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Thread: Can you get ripped on Test alone??

  1. #41
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    This is retarded. OP the reason you're 140lbs after 10 years of lifting is because you eat like crap. I bet your training isn't stellar either. Tell us your whole routine for your entire workout week.

    Here is some advice, listen to 405 hit up the nutritional forum. And by the way, AVOID SUGAR. Those shakes you drink are loaded with sugar and all that'll do is make you fat. The only shake you should be drinking is one immediately after your workout. You should be eating real food the rest of the time and getting your carbs from grain sources.

    You also need more protein. DON'T BE AFRAID OF EATING MEAT. IT TASTES GOOD!!!

  2. #42
    Dwntwnguy is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livinlean View Post
    Everyone tries to stay lean but dude 50% of your meals are shakes.. Nothing wrong with shakes (IMO) but should be nowhere close to half your meals and should never even be replacing a meal. You NEED food to grow. If anything you should be having meals in place of those shakes and adding in the shakes in between your meals.
    Thanks for the feedback. To me seems like I eat a lot. I would really have to recondition myself to try and eat more.

  3. #43
    Dwntwnguy is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arykred View Post
    40 years old here. 5'6", and pre test was stuck at 150 for years. After one cycle of test enanthate I'm 161 lb with the same 9% body fat I had before.
    Nutrition? I eat whatever holds still long enough to put it in my mouth. I don't worry about eating lean and make sure I get lots of complex carbs.
    Arykred, really?? Thanks for the feedback. Do you have before and after pics?

  4. #44
    papa-g's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dwntwnguy

    Pork was yesterday. Sometimes it's chicken, sometimes fish. My goal is to only make lean gains, so I try to eat lean.
    Wait dido miss something. You only try to eat lean??? You Only ate twice and if your 140 lbs you probably burn 2000 calories a day doing nothing but a normal days work. You should forget AAS all together and just try cooking.

  5. #45
    xXthehulkXx's Avatar
    xXthehulkXx is offline Associate Member
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    So far the only true answer here is metals. He answered your question to the "t".

    I'll chime in, because I'm around your height.

    The last time I weighed 140lbs, I was in 4th grade! Was always the big kid. When I started lifting, age 13, I couldn't put on much size. My diet was horrible and training, sub par. I lifted on and off, but never got any noticeable gains.

    It wasn't till 5 years ago that I learned how to do it. Take a guess what it is? Food! I started eating like a starving dog. I got really big really fast, but not all muscle. Then, I started competing and figured out what foods were the ones I utilized best. Did first show natty. After that, I gained some more natural, then used gear.

    Now I'm bigger and leaner than ever. Still on 5000 cal a day! So, listen to the diet advise. It's the key to success.

    FYI: 28 yrs old
    Measured bf with calipers at 9%

  6. #46
    papa-g's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arykred
    I'm 40 yo, 5'6", and pre steroids couldn't get Above 150 lb,. My first cycle got me to 160, kept my 9% body fat and new muscle tissue is harder than I've ever had. Nutrition wise.. I eat whatever gets in my way. I don't worry about it being lean and I eat as many complex carbs as I can..
    And I bet if you took some B12 to help pick up your appetite you could have done the same time with maybe 2 months of extra work.

  7. #47
    kawika's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xXthehulkXx View Post
    So far the only true answer here is metals. He answered your question to the "t".

    I'll chime in, because I'm around your height.

    The last time I weighed 140lbs, I was in 4th grade! Was always the big kid. When I started lifting, age 13, I couldn't put on much size. My diet was horrible and training, sub par. I lifted on and off, but never got any noticeable gains.

    It wasn't till 5 years ago that I learned how to do it. Take a guess what it is? Food! I started eating like a starving dog. I got really big really fast, but not all muscle. Then, I started competing and figured out what foods were the ones I utilized best. Did first show natty. After that, I gained some more natural, then used gear.

    Now I'm bigger and leaner than ever. Still on 5000 cal a day! So, listen to the diet advise. It's the key to success.

    FYI: 28 yrs old
    Measured bf with calipers at 9%
    At that height and weight you must look like..... well.... the hulk! :-) impressive

  8. #48
    RipOwens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kawika

    At that height and weight you must look like..... well.... the hulk! :-) impressive
    Yea the hulk indeed...

  9. #49
    Dwntwnguy is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by papa-g View Post
    Wait dido miss something. You only try to eat lean??? You Only ate twice and if your 140 lbs you probably burn 2000 calories a day doing nothing but a normal days work. You should forget AAS all together and just try cooking.
    We're trying to get help not chastised. Tone it down. I didnt kick your dog. I just didn't eat.

  10. #50
    Dwntwnguy is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by xXthehulkXx View Post
    So far the only true answer here is metals. He answered your question to the "t".

    I'll chime in, because I'm around your height.

    The last time I weighed 140lbs, I was in 4th grade! Was always the big kid. When I started lifting, age 13, I couldn't put on much size. My diet was horrible and training, sub par. I lifted on and off, but never got any noticeable gains.

    It wasn't till 5 years ago that I learned how to do it. Take a guess what it is? Food! I started eating like a starving dog. I got really big really fast, but not all muscle. Then, I started competing and figured out what foods were the ones I utilized best. Did first show natty. After that, I gained some more natural, then used gear.

    Now I'm bigger and leaner than ever. Still on 5000 cal a day! So, listen to the diet advise. It's the key to success.

    FYI: 28 yrs old
    Measured bf with calipers at 9%
    Hulk--thanks so much for the feedback and sharing your story! Illustrates the point that you can figure it out eventually. And good advice will certainly help. Thanks bud!

  11. #51
    papa-g's Avatar
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    Well, best of luck to you.

  12. #52
    Dwntwnguy is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    Rough maintenance estimate: (LBM x 15)

    140 x .87(%Lbm) = 121.8(lbs LBM)

    121.8 x 15 = 1827cals (rough maintenance)

    OP if u want to add mass i would suggest:

    1. Posting a thread in nutrition section

    2. Starting around 2200cals and seeing how u do. IMO 3000cals is way to much for ur stats. Unless u have an unusually high metabolism u will likely put on fat with a caloric intake that high.

    Im 5'9" 195lbs 10% bf (175lbs LBM) and i eat 3000cals average per day to maintain. We'll see u in the nutrition section!
    405, thanks for feedback. Will try to post a new diet plan in nutrition tomorrow.
    Want your feedback!

  13. #53
    AdonisBelt is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by xXthehulkXx

    FYI: 28 yrs old
    Measured bf with calipers at 9%
    ... Holy fuark that's impressive

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