Hi, i have been cycling steroids for about 5 years now. After having a 7 month break i decided to run a 12 week cycle. My weapon of choice was test prop as i had never used this test before and wanted to give it a go 100mg EOD. I only ever run test only cycles simply because every other compound i have used has riddled me with undesirable side effects. Usually from test E/C i get no negatives.

Anyway, im on week 5 now havent been able to train for nearly two weeks due to fever and flu like symptoms. Since my first jab i have experienced harsh sweats, elevated heart rate, fever like symptoms especially at night and a strong sense of uncomfort throughout the body. Thinking this was 'test flu' I pushed on through but i now have a throat infection :/ So im on anti biotics for that. My whole cycle has been ruined because of my reaction to this dam prop ester it just doesnt agree with me. Would you advise switching to my usual drug of choice test enanthate for the remainder of the cycle stretch it to 8 weeks from now maybe incorporate an oral to help me along first 4 weeks?? Or just stop and hit pct now? Just looking general opinions on my situation and maybe any related incidents with test prop. Thanks.