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  1. #1
    areichert is offline Junior Member
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    Need some advice on "stacking"

    Hi guys this is my first time on this site and the reason I joined is to get some advice. I've recently been doing research on anabolic steroids and I'm interested in purchasing a cycle. I've been looking at " The Blitz" cycle which consist of D-Bol and Winnie-V. I'm 24, 6 foot, and weigh 205 pounds. I do have a strict diet and hit the gym 5-6 times a week. I'm interested in shedding some stomach weight but at the same time gain definition and tone. Is this cycle the way to go? What should I expect? Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated. I'm an open minded individual, and will hear out any type of advice, thanks.

  2. #2
    Tron3219's Avatar
    Tron3219 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by areichert
    Hi guys this is my first time on this site and the reason I joined is to get some advice. I've recently been doing research on anabolic steroids and I'm interested in purchasing a cycle. I've been looking at " The Blitz" cycle which consist of D-Bol and Winnie-V. I'm 24, 6 foot, and weigh 205 pounds. I do have a strict diet and hit the gym 5-6 times a week. I'm interested in shedding some stomach weight but at the same time gain definition and tone. Is this cycle the way to go? What should I expect? Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated. I'm an open minded individual, and will hear out any type of advice, thanks.
    We recommend a test only cycle for te first cycle. Reason being is every cycle should have a test base and u need to know how ur body reacts to the test. The fat loss in the belly area is going to be a direct correlation to ur diet and training routine.

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-

  3. #3
    areichert is offline Junior Member
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    Can you please explain what the test cycle is?

  4. #4
    Tron3219's Avatar
    Tron3219 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by areichert
    Can you please explain what the test cycle is?
    Most Common Beginners Cycles - Look here..

    Have a read here bud

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-

  5. #5
    areichert is offline Junior Member
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  6. #6
    areichert is offline Junior Member
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    So I read that link, and is there any beginner cycles that doesnt consist on injection? Or is injection the best and most effective way of taking it?

  7. #7
    Tron3219's Avatar
    Tron3219 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by areichert
    So I read that link, and is there any beginner cycles that doesnt consist on injection? Or is injection the best and most effective way of taking it?
    Oral cycles are ill-advised. Whenever androgens are introduced into ur body, ur hpta shuts down ur natural testosterone via negative feedback loop. That leaves u with a shut down or suppressed hpta while in orals only, and without replacing ur endogenous testosterone with exogenous testosterone it could, and likely, will lead to things like erectile distinction and loss of labido to name a couple. There are more things that testosterone controls but those r generally the tipping point for guys. That's why we say every cycle should contain testosterone. Which typically comes in injection, unless ur on trt which has a couple ways if administration. But inj is most effective and easiest.

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-

  8. #8
    areichert is offline Junior Member
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    Gotcha, but with the stats I've stated and my objective that I'm trying to accomplish do you believe that I'm in the right direction?

  9. #9
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    What is your body fat %?

    And tell me what you mean by 'tone'?

  10. #10
    areichert is offline Junior Member
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    Maybe "tone" was the wrong word to use, but as far as bf% I'm not sure. My goals are to increase weight and reps in my workout, and gain muscle size. My guess on body fat would be 15%?

  11. #11
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    thing about steroid that you need to realize that they are serious and could be dangerous chemicals... you need to know everything about it. Not just cuz summer is coming and you need to lose fat and then summer ends you start eating bad. you will lose all gains if you dont run solid PCT and eat well and train hard...
    its not a thing you do and end up looking like arnold. it take years and ALOT of dedication ....
    so please try to research alot and read educational threads here. this is the best forum in the world when it comes to AAS . stick around and ask the vets and read some articles here and there...its your health

  12. #12
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by areichert View Post
    Maybe "tone" was the wrong word to use, but as far as bf% I'm not sure. My goals are to increase weight and reps in my workout, and gain muscle size. My guess on body fat would be 15%?
    mickey would you post that BF pic, i cant find it anywhere :P

  13. #13
    areichert is offline Junior Member
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    Thank you for that, but I'm a dedicated individual that is wanting to make lifetime commitments to weight lifting. Like I said in my opening post that i'm in the gym 5-6 days a week. I would consider myself cardio fit, but now I want to dedicate myself to weight lifting and achieve new heights in my fitness and health. I'm very concerned in the effects on AAS, that is why I'm on this site and making sure that I'm after the right thing.

  14. #14
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Click image for larger version. 

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  15. #15
    areichert is offline Junior Member
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    I was off when I said 15, I would say 26-27 percent.

  16. #16
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Not ready for steroids , you risk gyno and other health risks at such a high bf%. You need to learn to diet and get that down to around 15% before even thinking about steroids. Also if you are too afraid to inject forget steroids ever.

  17. #17
    areichert is offline Junior Member
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    Not afraid to inject, just questioned if oral is as effective.

  18. #18
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    Oral can be effective YES. it will make you gain few lbs
    is it worth it to do Winstrol only cycle , NO ?
    1) you will shut your natural testosterone and suffer limp dick and bunch of other low testosterone sides
    2) its liver toxic which is dangerous
    3) its not worth muscle gains wise and usually you lose gains afterwards
    4) winstrol is horrible on joints and cholestrol
    and at 25% bf i doubt you will see any improvment in your physique. only side effects ...
    get on diet, do your cardio and train hard... get to less than 15 % bf
    you need to do that naturally in order to be worthy of AAS <==== think about it this way!
    Last edited by Granovich; 04-14-2013 at 11:18 AM. Reason: bite me, thats why, douchebag! LOL

  19. #19
    areichert is offline Junior Member
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    Thats exactly what I need to know, thanks..

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