7 weeks:

GH 4.2/3.8/3.4/0 (for recovery)
CJC 1295 x 1MG w/Dac green tea/huperzine and horny goat weed.

Prop for 400 MG a week up to 3 weeks out from comp
Anavar at 40 MG a day up to 3 weeks out from comp (for clearance times)

5 weeks out to 4 days before comp 100 H20 test every second day (on training days)

Please feel free for feed back

HCg will be used for PCT (i have read on some forums this should be introduced at the begining of entire cycle to ensure testes don't shut down ever at 500 iu e3d)

Feed back please and if you can compare to previous post of olympic cycle?

Thank you!!