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  1. #1
    lla23's Avatar
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    Planning my first Cycle, pls share your guidance and advise?

    Hi Guys, I'm interested to do steriods , i'm not competing nor looking to get big within a yr but i'm curious to find out what can steroids do in the long run. I looking to gain more size and maintain certain amount of leanness, i'm more looking it as a long term commitment rather than a short term and a quick fix..... But i need some guidelines if u would be able share with me.

    here's wat i have been doing now.

    I'm an asian, 32 yrs old a personal trainer for 8 yrs, ectomorph.. I started training when i was 25 yrs weighing 58kg, currently i'm weight 72kg with a bf of 12%.

    My meals usually i start with high fat and protein (red meat) in e earlier part of the day and will adjust lower fat and protein (white meat) and with more unrefined carbs (white rice, sweet or potato) towards the evening and my last meals. I do design my program and periodize them every 5 & 6 weeks and use slow or fast tempo depending on the selection of e exercises and the program.

    My first cycle I have been advice to use 500 mgs of test-e or test-c weekly and 50 mgs of proviron daily to control estrogen for 12 weeks. I will be doing blood work before and after cycle, What do you guys think of this?

  2. #2
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    Hey man!

    What is your height?

    What about PCT?

  3. #3
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaspaco View Post
    Hey man!

    What is your height?

    What about PCT?
    Waiting for that too.

  4. #4
    Tron3219's Avatar
    Tron3219 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lla23
    I'm an asian

    Lol jk guy

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-

  5. #5
    lla23's Avatar
    lla23 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm 168m bro... I thought the Proviron will be e PCT?
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaspaco View Post
    Hey man!

    What is your height?

    What about PCT?

  6. #6
    lla23's Avatar
    lla23 is offline Junior Member
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    Wow man.. That hurts bro... To the max man... Haha..
    Quote Originally Posted by Tron3219 View Post

    Lol jk guy

    -Chomp Chomp Chomp-Clink Clink Clink-

  7. #7
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by lla23 View Post
    I'm 168m bro... I thought the Proviron will be e PCT?
    158lbs and 5' 6" tall.

    Proviron is NOT a PCT. Take a look at this thread and please read the links at the end of the first page.

    **Most Common Beginners Cycles**

  8. #8
    lla23's Avatar
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    Thanks for educating me MickeyKnox, do feel free to address my mistake becos i wanna learn the proper way to do it,

    Do you think it's alright to do "12 weeks of Test-E or Test-C together with Proviron ?
    How many weeks such i be on PCT after the cycle? Which would u suggest me to do "Nolvadex , Aromasin or Clomid"?? [QUOTE=MickeyKnox;6511323]158lbs and 5' 6" tall.

    Proviron is NOT a PCT. Take a look at this thread and please read the links at the end of the first page.

  9. #9
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Today is a really weird day. Why is NO ONE READING THE LINKS?? And i told you to forget the Proviron . I would put up another link to show why i would not include Proviron, but i feel you wont read it anyway. lol

    Dude, youre the 4th person today that i have put up a link for, and never even bothered to open it up and read what it contains. I'll never ever ever ever understand this.

    Please, im begging the link and read whats in front of you. The answers to EVERY ONE OF YOUR QUESTIONS are in that link.


  10. #10
    thehor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Today is a really weird day. Why is NO ONE READING THE LINKS?? And i told you to forget the Proviron . I would put up another link to show why i would not include Proviron, but i feel you wont read it anyway. lol

    Dude, youre the 4th person today that i have put up a link for, and never even bothered to open it up and read what it contains. I'll never ever ever ever understand this.

    Please, im begging the link and read whats in front of you. The answers to EVERY ONE OF YOUR QUESTIONS are in that link.


    Yea I aswell have been reading alot on the articles and been working on my nutrition more before I actullay start my cycle. I already have an Idea of what my cycle is going to consist of. I just dont need to rush this or need it that bad at the moment. Also am Educating myself for the side effects, I want no surprises.
    Last edited by thehor; 04-24-2013 at 07:17 PM.

  11. #11
    lla23's Avatar
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    My apology bro, was too caught up at work and forgive me asking noobs question...

    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Today is a really weird day. Why is NO ONE READING THE LINKS?? And i told you to forget the Proviron . I would put up another link to show why i would not include Proviron, but i feel you wont read it anyway. lol

    Dude, youre the 4th person today that i have put up a link for, and never even bothered to open it up and read what it contains. I'll never ever ever ever understand this.

    Please, im begging the link and read whats in front of you. The answers to EVERY ONE OF YOUR QUESTIONS are in that link.


  12. #12
    MACKATTACK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lla23 View Post
    My apology bro, was too caught up at work and forgive me asking noobs question...
    Disregard some of the "TRAINED" answers, kind of tired of it and lots of times it doesn't help. Maybe I am just having a bad day.

    A common PCT for a cycle is Clomid and Nolva, research both of those.

    Also a common AI used to control estrogen while on cycle is Arimidex , research that.

    A common first cycle is Test only so you can judge and see how that compound affects you, so you are on the right path.

    Overall take a look into what I mentioned above. Good luck and there is plenty of info on the forum.

  13. #13
    thehor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lla23 View Post
    My apology bro, was too caught up at work and forgive me asking noobs question...
    NO worries about silly question everyone sometimes feels like getting quick answers but honestly...... this forum is great, we have lots of tools, articles that are really good and alot of awesome advise. No need to rush things on spare times check oput alot of the links and post, they are great.

  14. #14
    lla23's Avatar
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    Thanks for the advice MackAttack.. I'm kinda of confuse about what to start with? I been reading threads after threads, My main concern is am i on the right track for my first cycle?

    Here's my thought, "Just Test-E or Test-C" for 8 week or 12 weeks"? and do a PCT on Clomid and Nolva for how long?

    What do u think?

    Quote Originally Posted by MACKATTACK View Post
    Disregard some of the "TRAINED" answers, kind of tired of it and lots of times it doesn't help. Maybe I am just having a bad day.

    A common PCT for a cycle is Clomid and Nolva, research both of those.

    Also a common AI used to control estrogen while on cycle is Arimidex , research that.

    A common first cycle is Test only so you can judge and see how that compound affects you, so you are on the right path.

    Overall take a look into what I mentioned above. Good luck and there is plenty of info on the forum.

  15. #15
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by lla23 View Post
    My apology bro, was too caught up at work and forgive me asking noobs question...
    Nothing wrong with asking noob questions bro. But youre expected to at least look at the links when they are provided. They contain the answers to your questions and other pertinent information that will only benefit you in the long run.

    Quote Originally Posted by MACKATTACK View Post
    Disregard some of the "TRAINED" answers, kind of tired of it and lots of times it doesn't help. Maybe I am just having a bad day.......
    OP, i would "disregard" this comment more than anything else. Just because some of the answers appear "trained" to other long standing members who have seen them time and time again, doesn't mean they are not extremely helpful and contain vital information specific to your question.

    MacAttack, you should know better than to suggest a newbie NOT read a link or disregard a "trained" answer, or any other answer, that is inline with the goals and direction of this Forum. And that is to provide the safest and most up to date information on AAS use as possible. Sorry, but this needed to be addressed here.

    Quote Originally Posted by lla23 View Post
    Thanks for the advice MackAttack.. I'm kinda of confuse about what to start with? I been reading threads after threads, My main concern is am i on the right track for my first cycle?

    Here's my thought, "Just Test-E or Test-C" for 8 week or 12 weeks"? and do a PCT on Clomid and Nolva for how long?

    What do u think?
    OP, have you even bothered to read the Beginners cycle thread yet? If so, you would NOT be asking these specific questions. Am, i making this clear to you? Its VERY important that you read that link. As i said earlier, it not only contains the answers to your very basic question, but it contains other extremely important information on PCT, SERM's, AI's, managing Estrogen...ect. Please read the link. And then come back an ask questions on what you have read and dont understand.

    Thank you

  16. #16
    MACKATTACK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    OP, i would "disregard" this comment more than anything else. Just because some of the answers appear "trained" to other long standing members who have seen them time and time again, doesn't mean they are not extremely helpful and contain vital information specific to your question.

    MacAttack, you should know better than to suggest a newbie NOT read a link or disregard a "trained" answer, or any other answer, that is inline with the goals and direction of this Forum. And that is to provide the safest and most up to date information on AAS use as possible. Sorry, but this needed to be addressed here.
    Nothing is wrong with your answer and directing him to the links are good. Some of the stickies are unorganized and do not contain information that would lead to quicker research so he can become educated faster (ie: naming PCT that is associated with his cycle)

    By just mentioning the right products to take goes a long way in addition to the stickies. So now he will research, the proper pct and proper AI. He is on his way to a safer cycle and lead in a clearer direction. You yourself know 75% of people that come on here wont even read the links, they are lazy and want the quicker answer. Lots of time if they dont get the quick answer then it leads to them making bad decsions.

    So I dont want to be left in my mind with "Oh well you didnt read the stickies so go F your life up," type of attitude. I give short concise answers that lead to the right product and direction for a cycle. Short and simple and now at least he knows what to take, now its time for him to research. If you go through threads and or search majority of peoples questions never get answered because oh he forgot to put his height, come on. I undrstand stats are important and lots of times people should be lead away from steroids because of improper diet and stats and regiment but inreality they signed up for this forum because there is a good chance they are going to take steroids no matter what you say. So at least they leave more educated instead of a thread dieing with no answers because they didnt put their stats. so thats why I think the TRAINED answers are annoying.........sorry if my reply comes off sternly, it isnt meant like that towards you and I know you do a great job with this forum, especially with new comers

  17. #17
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACKATTACK View Post
    Nothing is wrong with your answer and directing him to the links are good. Some of the stickies are unorganized and do not contain information that would lead to quicker research so he can become educated faster (ie: naming PCT that is associated with his cycle) I was referring to the links and answers I provide. Im not addressing the stickies here, only your comment.

    By just mentioning the right products to take goes a long way in addition to the stickies. So now he will research, the proper pct and proper AI. He is on his way to a safer cycle and lead in a clearer direction. You yourself know 75% of people that come on here wont even read the links, they are lazy and want the quicker answer. Lots of time if they dont get the quick answer then it leads to them making bad decsions. No one here can make force a newbie to read a link, anymore than you can force them take your advice.

    So I dont want to be left in my mind with "Oh well you didnt read the stickies so go F your life up," type of attitude. I give short concise answers that lead to the right product and direction for a cycle. Short and simple and now at least he knows what to take, now its time for him to research. If you go through threads and or search majority of peoples questions never get answered because oh he forgot to put his height, come on. I undrstand stats are important and lots of times people should be lead away from steroids because of improper diet and stats and regiment but inreality they signed up for this forum because there is a good chance they are going to take steroids no matter what you say. So at least they leave more educated instead of a thread dieing with no answers because they didnt put their stats. so thats why I think the TRAINED answers are annoying.........sorry if my reply comes off sternly, it isnt meant like that towards you and I know you do a great job with this forum, especially with new comers
    "Come on" nothing. No one is questioning your answers or your intentions. The rest is just smoke and mirrors. Your preaching to the choir bro.

    Im simply addressing your comment. No harm no foul.

  18. #18
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Send me a PM if you want to discuss further. I dont want to mess up this thread. Thanks bro.

  19. #19
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    If he wont read the links what on gods green earth makes you think he will actually use a search function to research the SERMS and AI you pointed him to.

    Reading the Link provided is less work and he still wouldn't do it...hell the biggest % just want to hear:

    Test E 500mg EW (Mon & Wed)
    Adex .25 EPD
    HCG 250iu X 2 per week

    PCT 14 days after last pin
    Nolva 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 75/25/25/25

    Now go on and enjoy yourself...thanks for stopping!

  20. #20
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Good point. ^^

  21. #21
    MACKATTACK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    If he wont read the links what on gods green earth makes you think he will actually use a search function to research the SERMS and AI you pointed him to.

    Reading the Link provided is less work and he still wouldn't do it...hell the biggest % just want to hear:

    Test E 500mg EW (Mon & Wed)
    Adex .25 EPD
    HCG 250iu X 2 per week

    PCT 14 days after last pin
    Nolva 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 75/25/25/25

    Now go on and enjoy yourself...thanks for stopping!
    Because the links and the way they are organized are confusing and dont point to what to take. I have been here a long time. I have seen it all and most people want to know what to take and not usually WHY. The links say WHY, not what lots of time.....

  22. #22
    bigsiv's Avatar
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    I think Mickey got riled because you told the OP to DISREGARD the TRAINED answers MAC. It's fair to have an opinion but its disrespectful to tell the OP to disregard others opinions/advice. You been here a long time you should know that

  23. #23
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACKATTACK View Post
    Because the links and the way they are organized are confusing and dont point to what to take. I have been here a long time. I have seen it all and most people want to know what to take and not usually WHY. The links say WHY, not what lots of time.....
    Have YOU read the link that was posted? It wasnt a link to one of the old was a link to a thread that Mick spent a good amount of time on. It was put together just for this purpose and outlines EVERYTHING one needs to know for first cycles.

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