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  1. #1
    Mppn is offline New Member
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    Need some end of bulking start of cutting advice!!

    Hi fellas,can anyone give me some advice on how soon I can start an ec stack after a bulking cycle?

    I'm coming to the end of a sus250 only cycle,500mg once a week for 12weeks,I'm on my 12th week now.i have clomid and nolva for pct which I will start 3weeks after last 5ft10 and gone from 82kg to 89kg with good gains however I have gained a bit of a not certain but I'm between 17% and 20% bf.

    My question is how soon can I start an ec stack to lose the gut I have gained?

    All help appreciated thanks

  2. #2
    zinghigh89's Avatar
    zinghigh89 is offline Junior Member
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    I would wait awhile if it were me. If you drop cals and start cutting too soon you will lose mass. Calories are just as important post cycle as they are on cycle. I'm not saying gorge yourself but definitely eat at maintenance or maybe a tad higher. I am in a similar spot, only I finished my cycle about a month ago. I didn't get fat but it's more bodyfat than I'd like to carry, but I consider it just part of the game. I'd rather keep the mass I put on, or at least most of it, than rip up and lose the muscle. Don't forget, you will lose weight as you come off simply from water/glycogen loss. Keep your protein high and maybe add in some support supps. I myself use bridge, igf1 lr3, ipamorelin, and cjc1295 w/dac. I load up on bcaas and so far the only loss has been a little strength, i don't get the incredible pumps like I did when I was on, and overall I just have a little smaller look, not as full and round as I was. Hope this helps, maybe some of the more experienced guys will shed light on this for you. In the past when I used to use prohormones I would make the mistake of trying to cut right after a bulk and usually ended up the same size as I was when I started.

  3. #3
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    I would wait a MIN of 6 wks. This is the amount of time (on average) it takes for your body to fully reach homeostasis after a cycle. Waiting even longer is recommend. Once again, this is information is for the average AAS user.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Once you have finished PCT you want to wait around 4 weeks and get some blood work done see if your back in the normal ranges again. Normally your looking at around 4-6 wks after you have finish PCT before starting any kind of cutting. You also need to increase cals during pct and try and establish a solid maintenance diet what you can work off when you do start to cut. The most important thing to do is preserve the muscle tissue you have build during the cycle SO BE CAREFUL.

  5. #5
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    In the pub
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Once you have finished PCT you want to wait around 4 weeks and get some blood work done see if your back in the normal ranges again. Normally your looking at around 4-6 wks after you have finish PCT before starting any kind of cutting. You also need to increase cals during pct and try and establish a solid maintenance diet what you can work off when you do start to cut. The most important thing to do is preserve the muscle tissue you have build during the cycle SO BE CAREFUL.
    What are the best ways of retaining muscle tissue while cutting after cycle?Im thinking of starting a cut 4-6 weeks after my PCT..

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnymctrance View Post
    What are the best ways of retaining muscle tissue while cutting after cycle?Im thinking of starting a cut 4-6 weeks after my PCT..
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