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Thread: should you aspirate?

  1. #41
    JayBee's Avatar
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    Not medically trained, a few times I haven't but 99% of the time I do because it really only takes a slight pull that only takes a second. Never had a problem if I did or didn't.

  2. #42
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    Sorry but wrong. I have hit a blood vessel in delts. Also in glutes. Not in quad yet but it's absolutely possible. Aspiration doesn't hurt anything. Anyone who has ever shot tren into a BV I'll bet aspirates now! It's not pleasant.
    Check what we are talking about. Check what the main purpose OP is asking. Please correct me OP but I think you wanted to know about the dangerous ramifications. AS you sate above you have hit BV...BLOOD VESSELS with Tren , of course you cannot inject anywhere without hitting vessels / capillaries . You did not hit a vein. you did not inject the compound in your vein. You pain had nothing to do with where your needle hit ( blood V or capillaries), the pain was not in your blood steam. You did not push any fluid into your blood stream. It was the soft tissue or the muscle fibers that hurt do to your injection. If your blood steam picked it up and burned the burn would follow the vein or vessel. I know this because of some of what I've put into my vein, the cut, the concentrate and it follow up the vein. when the burning or pain when away so was any bruise. You didn't hit a vein I tell you, much about the area pinned shoulders, quads bicep or any other has to do with all the nerves that get hit (small nerves) the pin nerve receptors. The shallowness of the injection site thus closer to the outer nerve receptors

    NOW I WILL SAY, like TR to each there own. But I wanted OP and others the real truth about this. I Speak from being taught by my father and my own years of experience. My father an M.D. taught me how to and all about injections. ...the end. ...crazy mike

    So next time anyone aspirates and gets blood, keep pulling and I will tell you you will not fill it up, from a vessel. You will find that you are not in a vein.
    Last edited by crazy mike; 04-28-2013 at 08:31 PM.

  3. #43
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by BluPhin View Post
    it always month we will go through this whole thing again. crazy mike will have the last word on that one too.
    Sorry, I blew it up. I'll rest it. I just know, ...ok., I'm gone

    BUT HEY, QUIT ARGUEING WITH ME !!................just joking
    Last edited by crazy mike; 04-28-2013 at 08:35 PM.

  4. #44
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    I actually wasn't asking a question. I always aspirate and just wanted to post the pic of my Tren filled with blood

  5. #45
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    I actually wasn't asking a question. I always aspirate and just wanted to post the pic of my Tren filled with blood
    Holy crapper, I didn't keep on with 44 posts. This has gone to far OP

    The title was a question

  6. #46
    JCFobsession's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post

    Q: So if you stick, shoot, pull out and just a spec of blood at the site... things went well right??
    A: Yes very good

    Q: If you stick and blood squirts, or flows out. What happened??
    A: If you stick whether and are in, no blood will or can squirt out. When blood follows it is the blood from the pocket you made with the oil, and blood in that area will follow the needle out and might have a little squirt and bleed down you a$$. BUT IT WILL STOP. No damage. Do not worry. The vessels did not suk up and you did not force the oil in. They are tiny. Your needle is huge in compassion.

    Q: If you aspirate and there is tiny minimal bit of blood in syringe. What does that mean?
    A: that means you needle picked up a tiny bit of blood from the vessels you cut/sliced/broke and when you aspirated (sucked it) you got some to come in the syringe. NO PROBLEM. Let me tell you, from my experience you will not be able to draw a syringe full or any significant amount in the syringe. You will not be able to stay in it. You will not be able. How many here have had years of experience main lining, huh? Well I have. It you get it in, try as a beginner to stay in long enough to shoot some oil in it. You see what a hard time some nurses have to stick you to draw blood or start an IV. Well they see it they are trying to get in it, trying not to blow by and out the other side or fall/pull out. Crap guys just look at the medical professionals trying to hit the vein. Do you really think you're going to hit it deep in you're a$$. Man I tell you if you are in you're a$$ or a quad and you aspirate and see some and continue injecting just what do you think is going to happen? Get real. I have aspirated IV (you have to) and all was good, much blood, I'm in, inject a load of, you know, and just fvck up my arm because I got it all under my skin and none in my vein. Please understand the blood system. Understand the dynamics of what we are talking about. One last example when I needed these shots every day for six weeks when I was ill, my wife did it, she never ever, didn't know what about it at all and the doc showed her the area to stay in and STAB NO PROBLEM buy getting sore. You think my wife could aspirate....huh..., what????

    Q: If you are sore day after and 3 days after what does that mean?
    A: You either hit a lot of vessels or have a small hematoma blood pocket (black n blue) or the concentrate was very strong, or you moved and irritated you tissue. If not a bulge and not hot, HOT to the touch no infection. Get over it ...not so crazy mike
    I tell you guys I have more experience with IV and IM injections than anyone I've met on here. So take that and stick it in you syringe and stick it, haaaaaa. ...crazy mike
    EPIC THANKS. Helped me and others.

  7. #47
    Java Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    I actually wasn't asking a question. I always aspirate and just wanted to post the pic of my Tren filled with blood
    ahh shit reading this post just cracked me up. That's online forums for you. Lol.

  8. #48
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Quote Originally Posted by BluPhin View Post
    what were you injecting and where?
    prop & npp glutes is the only place it has happend.

  9. #49
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Always...I've drawn blood a few times, and have had oil make its way into a vein a few times also, giving me a cough that had me fearing for my life...not fun and had couple of squirters upon removal also... I will never pin without aspirating. There is no reason not to practice safe pinning, it takes a split second and gives you piece of mind.
    Last edited by auswest; 04-29-2013 at 06:38 AM.

  10. #50
    Jon_Tren_Yin's Avatar
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    So if you aspirate and you draw blood, what do you guys usually do after?

    - pull the needle slightly out and push back in elsewhere, aspirate again?
    - Completely pull the needle out and find a new spot?
    - Push the needle in deeper and aspirate again?

    Sorry for the newb questions, I'm new and just want to learn.

    P.S. Is there any way to KNOW where you can inject and not hit a vein, or is it pretty much luck?

  11. #51
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon_Tren_Yin View Post
    So if you aspirate and you draw blood, what do you guys usually do after?

    - pull the needle slightly out and push back in elsewhere, aspirate again?
    - Completely pull the needle out and find a new spot?
    - Push the needle in deeper and aspirate again?

    Sorry for the newb questions, I'm new and just want to learn.

    P.S. Is there any way to KNOW where you can inject and not hit a vein, or is it pretty much luck?
    Its a crap shoot. Pull out and inject a bit one way or another...its your own blood so it wont hurt ya

  12. #52
    HitIt's Avatar
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    should you look both ways before you cross a road?

  13. #53
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by HitIt View Post
    should you look both ways before you cross a road?
    Depends how fast im driving.

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