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Thread: Anavar. Can someone please clear this up?

  1. #1
    boostjunkie09's Avatar
    boostjunkie09 is offline Junior Member
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    Anavar. Can someone please clear this up?

    So I've been reading for about an hour on Anavar and Var only cycles. Some say it is good by itself and that is what it was designed for.

    Others say the opposite. It will suppress your hpta. And to always use test with it. I'm getting sick of reading conflicting information to be honest. And maybe this post will lead to more. lol

    I've read Atomini's post on it. Which seems very informative. But I still see people saying they run var cycles all the time with good results.

    So who is right?

  2. #2
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by boostjunkie09 View Post
    So I've been reading for about an hour on Anavar and Var only cycles. Some say it is good by itself and that is what it was designed for.

    Others say the opposite. It will suppress your hpta. And to always use test with it. I'm getting sick of reading conflicting information to be honest. And maybe this post will lead to more. lol

    I've read Atomini's post on it. Which seems very informative. But I still see people saying they run var cycles all the time with good results.

    So who is right?
    It's just like trying to run a dbol only cycle. Some have done it and claimed great things. But it's not the smart or safe way to go about it

  3. #3
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
    Papa Smurf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by boostjunkie09 View Post
    So I've been reading for about an hour on Anavar and Var only cycles. Some say it is good by itself and that is what it was designed for.

    Others say the opposite. It will suppress your hpta. And to always use test with it. I'm getting sick of reading conflicting information to be honest. And maybe this post will lead to more. lol

    I've read Atomini's post on it. Which seems very informative. But I still see people saying they run var cycles all the time with good results.

    So who is right?
    Great read on Anavar on this forums home page, you know, the blue page, look to left and scroll down............

  4. #4
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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    either way you read your going to get opposite reviews and scientific data to support. I guess see if it fits you. read the positives and negatives of both. No var only will not kill you and you will see gains. basically it is just more benificial in many forms to run test along side for many reasons as you read in atominis thread.

    make your evaluation and decide, i am against var only but I have guys 5 miles from me who do it all the time and look better than I do.

    Quote Originally Posted by boostjunkie09 View Post
    So I've been reading for about an hour on Anavar and Var only cycles. Some say it is good by itself and that is what it was designed for.

    Others say the opposite. It will suppress your hpta. And to always use test with it. I'm getting sick of reading conflicting information to be honest. And maybe this post will lead to more. lol

    I've read Atomini's post on it. Which seems very informative. But I still see people saying they run var cycles all the time with good results.

    So who is right?
    songdog and johnC80 like this.

  5. #5
    Papiriqui's Avatar
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    You have to read between the lines man!!! The reason for the conflicting reviews is because every single human being will not respond to diet, anavar , test, ephedra, etc, etc, etc the same way as the human being next to him.

    To be on the safe side in case it does shut you down thats why most recommend test as a base for any cycle. It might not shut you down it might, why take the risk?

    Some people are prone to estrogen some arent, just the way the world works. Do whats best for you, hopefully is having test as a base!!!

  6. #6
    boostjunkie09's Avatar
    boostjunkie09 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the info. Just sorting it out.

    My plans are to do a test c cycle of 400mg a week. 200mg twice a week late this year or early next. I was just curious about var.

    Of course I will be running an AI, HCG ,on cycle and Nolvadex for pct. Think I'm going to pass on the clomid, because my eyes are already bad.

  7. #7
    Brazensol's Avatar
    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Interesting. So the main purpose of running test. is to prevent suppression of the htpa axis? How does that work for someone who is on exogenous test c for trt? Would the trt dose basically be a "booster" for the anavar (since my natural testosterone is already shut down)? Would there be a real need to increase the test c amount? I inject 128 mgs weekly (64 mgs every 3.5 days).

    Not trying to hijack but get further clarification on the OP's question.

  8. #8
    Papiriqui's Avatar
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    I dont think i have ever heard test being used to prevent suppression!!!! What happens to you when your body stops producing test?? So for that same reason test is recommended so you dont get the sides of not producing test, thats the reason people go on trt.

    Regardless of test or not natural test will be suppressed but sides of no test can be avoided by taking some test along with the var. Obviously numerous people have done var cycles by it self with good results, is at the OPs discretion to do the proper research and decide for himself what will be best for his health, well being and his wallet.

  9. #9
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Test will never prevent supression.
    It will shut you down completly.

    It prevent the side effect of being suppressed...
    No testosterone = depression, no libido, erectile disfonction... only to name very few of the side.

    You need a pct after a test cycle because you are supressed.

    You can't avoid supression during aas cycle for now. ( I still keep hope that one day we will find a way XD)

    No matter the steroids you use youll get supressed... that's how it works.

  10. #10
    Brazensol's Avatar
    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    My bad. I worded it poorly. What I meant is what you said. To replace the test lost by the anavar cycle shutting down your own natural production. Would there be benefit in running 400-500 mgs test. c. along with the var or should that wait for the next one or two cycles down the road?

    So all I would really need to run an anavar cycle is the anavar itself and just keep taking my trt dose of test c? Would be pointless to run a pct in my case.
    Last edited by Brazensol; 05-10-2013 at 02:20 PM.

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