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  1. #1
    flyguy6661 is offline Member
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    is 350mg prop enough with 700mg NPP ?

    so preveous cycles i have thought higher test will give me much better gains but to be honest i didnt really notcie much difference from 600mg test to 800mg however next cycle im using NPP so am concidering on only using lose dose of test and let the NPP do most the work what you guys think or should i up my test to at least 5-600mg test ?

  2. #2
    strech is offline New Member
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    Always keep test higher than NPP or your dick won't work.

  3. #3
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    Quote Originally Posted by strech
    Always keep test higher than NPP or your dick won't work.
    That's not true now is it!
    As long as your using test you will be fine

  4. #4
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Use an AI and keep your estrogen in check

  5. #5
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Needing to run test higher than nandrolone is an old school myth. There are a number of reasons some prefer it but it isn't necessary.

  6. #6
    human project's Avatar
    human project is offline Knowledgeable Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I personally would prob run 300-400mg test and 700mg deca . If you can't get mast or proviron I would

  7. #7
    flyguy6661 is offline Member
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    okay so im running prop and npp to up my test i dont want to increase the amount of prop il be using so what im going to do is ad 250mg/1ml of enanthate every fourth injection on this cycle which will also give me a slightly longer cycle making it 10 weeks rather than 9 and brining my test up to 600mg a week

  8. #8
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyguy6661
    okay so im running prop and npp to up my test i dont want to increase the amount of prop il be using so what im going to do is ad 250mg/1ml of enanthate every fourth injection on this cycle which will also give me a slightly longer cycle making it 10 weeks rather than 9 and brining my test up to 600mg a week
    Why are you raising your test??? What are your overall goals for the cycle

  9. #9
    flyguy6661 is offline Member
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    lean bulk really, ive not cycles for about 8 months so hoping to throw some good mass on with this. and im raising my test due to alot of comments and also if i raise it to 600mg week im guessing my gains will be alot more solid

  10. #10
    flyguy6661 is offline Member
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    or do you think my original plan was g2g ?

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    At your age you shouldn't be cycling but your learn

  12. #12
    flyguy6661 is offline Member
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    putting my age aside for lean gains would you say im best to up my test from 350 to 600mg a week ?

  13. #13
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyguy6661
    or do you think my original plan was g2g ?
    I personally feel I have less sides with lower test and I don't think there's a need to raise your test higher then 300-400mg a week..... If you want to make your gains more solid I would probably just add mast or proviron but I don't think there's a need to raise test..... I personally feel that when using 19 nor's its the high test that causes problems....

  14. #14
    AlinSR is offline new member
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    Quote Originally Posted by strech View Post
    Always keep test higher than NPP or your dick won't work.
    Yep, I agree

  15. #15
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlinshopRep

    Yep, I agree
    When I used 200mg test 700mg tren and 525 mast I had the strongest sex drive of my life..... Probably felt the best I ever have too..... I think the problem with 19 nor's comes when taken with high doses of steroids that easily aromatize to estrogen... I think high test along with any 19 nor causes the most problems for me....

  16. #16
    flyguy6661 is offline Member
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    so running my test at a lower dose will lower the chances of me getting prolactin sides from the deca ? also with the doses as about 350mg & 700mg is that a good dose for a lean bulk yea i dont HAVE to up the test to bulk do i the deca will do that along with good diet yea

  17. #17
    flyguy6661 is offline Member
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    also if i were to add masteron to the cycle instead of upping my test would 200mg a week be sufficiant and also can that lower estro & prolactin sides ?

  18. #18
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyguy6661
    so running my test at a lower dose will lower the chances of me getting prolactin sides from the deca ? also with the doses as about 350mg & 700mg is that a good dose for a lean bulk yea i dont HAVE to up the test to bulk do i the deca will do that along with good diet yea
    What steroid cycle you choose is the one that works best for muscle growth for you.... Weither your trying to bulk or cut depends on you're diet..... I've had contest prep cutting cycle with anadrol and d Bol.... For me this cycle works best to prevent muscle wasting when cutting... I hope the point I'm trying to make makes sense

  19. #19
    flyguy6661 is offline Member
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    yea so i can bulk either one its more down to diet but will that extra 250mg test a week make much of a difference you think or would you say im better off getting some masteron , if i do get mast it will be long acting not fast tho and i can run 400mg a week as il only pin it when pinning my glutes which will be twice a week and delts being the other muscle reason being is i dont fancy putting 3ml into delts and i dont like quad injections so i dont pin them

  20. #20
    human project's Avatar
    human project is offline Knowledgeable Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyguy6661
    yea so i can bulk either one its more down to diet but will that extra 250mg test a week make much of a difference you think or would you say im better off getting some masteron, if i do get mast it will be long acting not fast tho and i can run 400mg a week as il only pin it when pinning my glutes which will be twice a week and delts being the other muscle reason being is i dont fancy putting 3ml into delts and i dont like quad injections so i dont pin them
    You would be much better off with adding mast then raisin your test..... I usually keep test under 300mg.... I use to take much much much more but I've come to realize that test is not best and really obsolete to most steroids

  21. #21
    blacktoppete is offline Junior Member
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    How about adding some Caber 2x a wk for the prolactin.And keep your original plan. Maybe a lil adex also.

  22. #22
    human project's Avatar
    human project is offline Knowledgeable Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by blacktoppete
    How about adding some Caber 2x a wk for the prolactin.And keep your original plan. Maybe a lil adex also.
    Ya not a bad idea.... At least keep on hand.... A
    Dex defiantly

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