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Thread: Please critique my first cycle of test

  1. #1
    billjohnson2040 is offline New Member
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    Question Please critique my first cycle of test

    Hello everyone,

    I appreciate any input possible for my first cycle. I have been researching for months and want to do this as safe as possible. I have been intensely weight training for a long time and have a a very good diet.

    I am planing to do test ethanate and clomid. I have already purchased both. I plan to do a 8 week cycle.

    Week 1-8 I will be injecting 1 ml/250 mg of test once a week. I will then take 2 weeks off and then start clomid and gradually go down in the amount for 4 weeks. I have yet to decide how much to start with.

    When injecting I will have one needle for filling the syringe and another for injecting.

    I am unsure if I should take Noladex during my cycle and how much. I was thinking 20mg a day if I do decide to take it to prevent side effects.

    I am highly worried about acne since I already have some and want to avoid it as much as possible.

    Please provide some input, It will be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    more research is needed...


  3. #3
    billjohnson2040 is offline New Member
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    20 years old
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    bench max 265
    training for multiple years

  4. #4
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    you can do serious permanent damage to your endocrine system is you decide to use AAS at 20... id suggest holding off for about 4-5 years..

    and in that time do some research, you should learn more about these compounds before your start sticking your self with needles and popping pills..

    p.s. 8 weeks of test e at 250mg/week is a waste...

  5. #5
    drake4243's Avatar
    drake4243 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    you can do serious permanent damage to your endocrine system is you decide to use AAS at 20... id suggest holding off for about 4-5 years..

    and in that time do some research, you should learn more about these compounds before your start sticking your self with needles and popping pills..

    p.s. 8 weeks of test e at 250mg/week is a waste...
    I could not agree more with this statment 20 not old enough and 8 weeks is laughable it is such a waste of time. Not to be a jerk but it seems your months of research did not do you well at all. You have a ton to learn don't run that cycle.

  6. #6
    ryanvvc's Avatar
    ryanvvc is offline Junior Member
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    you been researching for months you should have know to not say your 20 duh

  7. #7
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanvvc View Post
    you been researching for months you should have know to not say your 20 duh
    No. We prefer honest members.
    billjohnson2040 likes this.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  8. #8
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    The fact u told your max bench press and no other lifts tells me you are no where close to ready lol

  9. #9
    billjohnson2040 is offline New Member
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    I knew I would get lectured on my age but I am already committed to doing this and have made the decision. I also knew many would tell me 250 mg is not enough but I am trying to play it safe. I will most likely extend the cycle to 10 weeks. I did not mention my squat or dead lift max because I have not tested them recently. My squat max is north of 400. I made this thread to question the use of Noladex during the cycle and prevention methods of acne.

  10. #10
    kronik420's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by billjohnson2040 View Post
    I knew I would get lectured on my age but I am already committed to doing this and have made the decision. I also knew many would tell me 250 mg is not enough but I am trying to play it safe. I will most likely extend the cycle to 10 weeks. I did not mention my squat or dead lift max because I have not tested them recently. My squat max is north of 400. I made this thread to question the use of Noladex during the cycle and prevention methods of acne.
    good luck with that...

  11. #11
    Beyazit is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by billjohnson2040
    I knew I would get lectured on my age but I am already committed to doing this and have made the decision. I also knew many would tell me 250 mg is not enough but I am trying to play it safe. I will most likely extend the cycle to 10 weeks. I did not mention my squat or dead lift max because I have not tested them recently. My squat max is north of 400. I made this thread to question the use of Noladex during the cycle and prevention methods of acne.
    Hey m8;

    -First of all you saying that you want to be safe and doing AAS at 20 doesn't make any sense, you can never be safe at 20!

    -If you are one of those illeterate people who goea on like; "No matter what, I'm doing this cycle!" than you are taking a big risk towards still devoloping endocriene system and nobody knows how you gona react therefore the risk is same with 250mg a week or 500mg a week because they will have the same impact on your NATY levels which both those quantities will shot you down where 500mg may help you grow but 250mg is not really enough...

    - Nolvadex should be used in PCT not on cycle, you should research the use of AI's!!!

    - You should research the use of HCG !!!

    - You really shouldn't do AAS, its' not like you think, it ain't worty the risk, believe me...


  12. #12
    billjohnson2040 is offline New Member
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    I appreciate the help. From what I have been reading I did not think Nolvadex should be during a cycle since its a serm like Clomid. My friend who has done multiple cycles takes it on the cycle to prevent gyno, but I do not plan to do this. I have looked into HCG and Nolva but not sure if necessary for such a small cycle. I feel like the more stuff I start taking then the more my levels will get messed up. If I plan to do test 250 once a week for 10 weeks then what are your recommendations for clomid amounts? I want to make sure I get enough to help raise my natural test levels as much as possible. Thanks

  13. #13
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by billjohnson2040 View Post
    I appreciate the help. From what I have been reading I did not think Nolvadex should be during a cycle since its a serm like Clomid. My friend who has done multiple cycles takes it on the cycle to prevent gyno, but I do not plan to do this. I have looked into HCG and Nolva but not sure if necessary for such a small cycle. I feel like the more stuff I start taking then the more my levels will get messed up. If I plan to do test 250 once a week for 10 weeks then what are your recommendations for clomid amounts? I want to make sure I get enough to help raise my natural test levels as much as possible. Thanks
    first, the cycle should be 10-12 weeks and either test E or test C

    nolva is for PCT, you should use it in conjunction with clomid. should look something like this:

    starting 14 days after last test E shot or 18 days after last test C shot

    nolva 40 20 20 20

    clomid 75 50 50 50

    also you should have either adex or aromasin and use as needed, .25 mg/day adex or 12.5 mg/day aromasin

    doing only 250 instead of 500 wont do anything as far as not messing up your natural levels. when you use synthetic test, your body shuts down its natural production regardless of if you shoot 250 or 500, so your thinking is wrong there.

    20 is too young in pretty much everyone's opinion, you might mess up your body. its your choice. good luck with what you decide to do.

    edit: forgot to say, you should also be injecting twice a week, every 3.5 days, not once a week. keeps level of test more stable
    Last edited by Hunter-S-Thompson; 05-09-2013 at 08:22 PM.

  14. #14
    JCFobsession's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by billjohnson2040 View Post
    I appreciate the help. From what I have been reading I did not think Nolvadex should be during a cycle since its a serm like Clomid. My friend who has done multiple cycles takes it on the cycle to prevent gyno, but I do not plan to do this. I have looked into HCG and Nolva but not sure if necessary for such a small cycle. I feel like the more stuff I start taking then the more my levels will get messed up. If I plan to do test 250 once a week for 10 weeks then what are your recommendations for clomid amounts? I want to make sure I get enough to help raise my natural test levels as much as possible. Thanks

    proper cycle lengths
    Exact gear affects and side effects.
    Everything about A.I. support
    Everything about PCT

    20 years old I would not do it. your bodys highest test levels are between 22-25 so you will be losing all your natural potential right there and can NEVER go back!!!

    If you are gonna do it learn all of the above first... lets be real Arnold and many others were on stuff when they were 18-21 yrs old.

    Be safe be careful!!!! Know it all before
    You stick and commit .

    1000000% realize you have natural potential still left and plenty of it. Epic diet and epic workouts and you will see good gains.

    100000% remember you will be stopping any further evolved natural growth of test your body will produce. Its producing a certain amount in (x) amount of time that is repeated at (z) amount of time.if you cycle the shut down of the body loses its ability to create and produce at. (X and z) you will lose your golden years of natural full raged test you create naturally. .. to me no way it's not worth it!!!

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