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Thread: new guy First time pinner, need advice

  1. #1
    HeartBreaker's Avatar
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    new guy First time pinner, need advice

    hello guys, i found this site off the search engines after i typed in steroids for a first time users. I been reading those stickeys heavy for at least a week now and i have a source so im looking to start the juice. I know friends that have used gear but not in the proper way and they got messed up Fat gain,hair loss, bitch tits, acne and limp dikks.. i didnt want to end up like them so im glad i found this site before i got on the slop! some of them knew about PCT but only took it if it was around tbh, and none of them knew about AI or hcg . At first they were trying to get me to just use deca and dbol only but im glad i didnt.

    But anyways i want to do test obviously. I really wanted to do test e but, now im starting to think test p. I know its more pins but i like what ive been reading about the results. i actually really want to throw in tbol or winstol but is test really going to be enough sauce????

    anyways heres the product i plan to use

    Test P 100mg EOD
    AI from Ar-r
    clomid and Novlax

    i actually really want to throw in tbol or winstol but is test really going to be enough pumpers????
    Last edited by HeartBreaker; 05-09-2013 at 10:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Live for the PUMP's Avatar
    Live for the PUMP is offline Senior Member
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    Welcome to the site. Yes test is def enough! Start there for your first cycle so you know exactly how you react. Throw the tbol in on your 2nd. Be my suggestion. Have you read about HCG yet? I highly recommend it!

  3. #3
    HeartBreaker's Avatar
    HeartBreaker is offline New Member
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    o ya for got stats i know that would be the first responce after looking at a few of these other newbies threads.

    29 MALE will be 30 end of this Month
    5'9 1/2
    172 lbs
    Last time 18% bf taken from the gym calipers. will try my best lower it 1-2% before the cycle.
    experience: INTENSE from 19-23. stopped from 23-27 because of family and work {no excuse i know, but tell that the the ex wife and boss}. NOW from 27-29 gym rat

    i have a very strict diet, i slip up more then i should when im on the road for work. but i know when im on the stuff im going to make sure 95% meals are clean maybe Three cheat meal EOW if i deserve it. But by cheat i just bean a chicken burger or a subway sandwich
    Last edited by HeartBreaker; 05-09-2013 at 11:20 PM.

  4. #4
    HeartBreaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Live for the PUMP View Post
    Welcome to the site. Yes test is def enough! Start there for your first cycle so you know exactly how you react. Throw the tbol in on your 2nd. Be my suggestion. Have you read about HCG yet? I highly recommend it!
    ive read one article about it, ill do whatever i have to as long as i get the stuff. im having a little trouble finding it tbh, but i know thats no excuse.

  5. #5
    HeartBreaker's Avatar
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    ok, peep this im going to bed actually. and before i do im going to post a sample of what i ate today, for the hell of it. please critique my original posts and this diet PLEASE, and i can have something to read tomorrow at work tbh,

    Meal 1 - 7 am. 52G Protein Bar, Oatmeal, Banana, Coffee
    Meal 2 - 10 am. Can Of Chopped Chicken, Salad fat free ranch, a few pretzels
    Meal 3 - 12 pm, - 10 oz Chicken Brest, Brown Rice, a lot of broccoli
    Meal 4 - 330 pm - 60g protein shake, 10 Strawberries, half bag fat free popcorn
    Meal 5 - 6pm - 10 oz chicken breast, Brown Rice, can of corn, fat free jello
    meal 6 - 9 pm = 60 gram protein shake

    good night all and thanks you for reading so far.

  6. #6
    HeartBreaker's Avatar
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    oops double post

  7. #7
    HeartBreaker's Avatar
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    can at least 1 Mod give me a feedback, thank you. Bump

  8. #8
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    5ft 9 172 and 18%bf this tells me you dont have much of a base.You really need to work on your diet and build a base naturally.Beacuse I believe by the time you cut weight.You are going to be in the high 150s.This also tells me you aint ready for aas.How long you been lifting a year or 2?
    3day likes this.

  9. #9
    Gaspaco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog
    5ft 9 172 and 18%bf this tells me you dont have much of a base.You really need to work on your diet and build a base naturally.Beacuse I believe by the time you cut weight.You are going to be in the high 150s.This also tells me you aint ready for aas.How long you been lifting a year or 2?

    without a solid base you wont be able to hold any of your gains after cycle!

    Try to get as far as possible naturally.

  10. #10
    Live for the PUMP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeartBreaker View Post
    ok, peep this im going to bed actually. and before i do im going to post a sample of what i ate today, for the hell of it. please critique my original posts and this diet PLEASE, and i can have something to read tomorrow at work tbh,

    Meal 1 - 7 am. 52G Protein Bar, Oatmeal, Banana, Coffee
    Meal 2 - 10 am. Can Of Chopped Chicken, Salad fat free ranch, a few pretzels
    Meal 3 - 12 pm, - 10 oz Chicken Brest, Brown Rice, a lot of broccoli
    Meal 4 - 330 pm - 60g protein shake, 10 Strawberries, half bag fat free popcorn
    Meal 5 - 6pm - 10 oz chicken breast, Brown Rice, can of corn, fat free jello
    meal 6 - 9 pm = 60 gram protein shake

    good night all and thanks you for reading so far.
    This needs some help. Did you post in nutrition section?
    Nicholas1 likes this.

  11. #11
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    Tamoxifen is not bad

  12. #12
    drake4243's Avatar
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    you don’t have HCG don’t run any cycle ever, unless you want to add testicular atrophy to the long list of problems you and your friends have had on AAS. Plus your diet can’t be that great I am 5’8 and outweigh you by over 50 pounds and I am under 15% right now. I would hold off for at least 6 months keep reading and learn to diet properly that’s what you should do.

  13. #13
    HeartBreaker's Avatar
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    i been lifting since highschool but i keep quiting for long periods of time because i get to a plateau and say im done. i been going hard for close to 2 years in july and im trying to get just that pump that all of you are doing to get me in love with this lifestyle. i mean im happy with my body but im the kind of guy that needs that 1 thing to really focus me. protein shakes and creatine made me go hard back 10 years ago, but i feel like i dont want to wait 5 more years to just run one cycle of test tbh. i dont want to abuse the gear or do it wrong so thats why i came here and believe me im studying like i was in college again!

  14. #14
    3day's Avatar
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    What you need to consider is that if your current diet and workout has you at 172 18% Bf how are you going to keep any gains you may make off this cycle. Do you know how many calories it takes to keep you at your current weight? Lets say you gain a healthy 5lb muscle off this cycle,how many calories and at what macros will it take to keep that 5lbs a month after PCT?

  15. #15
    HeartBreaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3day View Post
    What you need to consider is that if your current diet and workout has you at 172 18% Bf how are you going to keep any gains you may make off this cycle. Do you know how many calories it takes to keep you at your current weight? Lets say you gain a healthy 5lb muscle off this cycle,how many calories and at what macros will it take to keep that 5lbs a month after PCT?
    true but i know once im on the slop im going to eat like a champion and i know if i can gain like 5-10 of muscle from the product im not going to want to lose it.

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