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Thread: Tren enan night sweats after 18 days!!

  1. #41
    Perseverance1 is offline Banned
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    I think I was taking 200mg test and 400mg tren and had mild trensomnia and a medium amount of night sweats.

    Next week I start 700mg test e and 420mg tren e....I may decide to throw in 600mg of mast e as well...but I think ill wait until about 4 weeks in where I drop my test to TRT dose before I start to add the mast. Main reason being that I'm pinning with a 25g needle now to reduce scar tissue and I don't want to have to pin 3+ ml through such a tiny pin....that shit gets annoying lol.

    Plus I'm really only running the test high for 2 reasons....I'm crashed right now so I want to "jump start" my test levels, and I'm trying out a newer UGL so I want a good amount in my system before I get bw to see how good they are.

  2. #42
    bradhore's Avatar
    bradhore is offline Member
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    can tren lower thyroid output ???????????

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by bradhore View Post
    Test always needs to be run higher than tren . There is a reason but i can't remember that reason.

    So far so good, running clen too, on a cutting cycle. I hate cutting im just so hungry an feel lathargic everyday

    Test does not need to be ran higher than tren or any other compound. That's just back yard bangers way to keep it safe.

  4. #44
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    take more melatonin. it has no lethal dose

  5. #45
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bradhore View Post
    can tren lower thyroid output ???????????
    thats what they used to think. but it was like it lowered one value but raised another so it kinda evened out, i kinda forget which it was, i think it lowerd t-4 but free t-3 increased idk.. in women test has been shown to increase thyroid, but women are more sensitive than men to things that effect thyroid. so androgens have an affect on mens thyroids but the its not quite certain what the different onces do. I think aromatase inhibitors have been shown to increase thyroid. This makes sense since its been shown that estrogen has been suppressive to thyroid. I would expect test to affect more thyroid levels than tren , bt idk. some ppl run t-3 with tren for the supposed decrease in thryroid, but then again some ppl get leaner on tren. I would say if your not getting terribly fat on tren dont add t-3, especially if your already sweating alot, JMO

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