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  1. #1
    asquarecan is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2012

    Dr. Says I have gyno

    Hey guys.

    So I finally made it home and went to see the dr. and they looked and it and did an ultrasound and say I have gyno. I talked to my dr. About my cycle to make sure she knew what I was doing to best diagnose it and after the tests came back they are not giving me any meds for it? She said it will go away on its own.

    My question to you guys is should i use an AI to try and make it go away? It been 5 months since my last pin. I ran an AI my entire cycle and PCT afterwards. I really want to run another cycle but not sure what to do with my current situation and being told "it will
    Just go away"

    What are your thoughts guys?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Not sure what type of cycle you ran so hard for me to say. Personally I would see another Dr for a second opinion! I would not just wait around for it to go away naturally. Good luck bro!

  3. #3
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by bringndaheat View Post
    Not sure what type of cycle you ran so hard for me to say. Personally I would see another Dr for a second opinion! I would not just wait around for it to go away naturally. Good luck bro!
    Take it from an old timer who knows, "DON'T WAIT" ...crazy mike

  4. #4
    sniper320's Avatar
    sniper320 is offline Member
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    In my experiences it can flare up or lay somewhat dormant over months but it always there. Did your dr talk to you about surgery? How bad is it ?

  5. #5
    asquarecan is offline Associate Member
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    Visually there you can't tell. They did an ultra sound and said it was nothing to be concerned with. It hurts like HELL when you touch it though. There is a small "mass" behind my nipple. They says it is hardened tissue and not a mass but it's all the same to me.

    I ran 300mg test-e for 12 weeks. Nothing even close to crazy lol. No idea how I managed to get it.

    What should I do? I hate just throwing an AI at it but I sure the hell don't want to start a cycle knowing I already have gyno.

  6. #6
    sniper320's Avatar
    sniper320 is offline Member
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    This is what i would do if i was you, Run 40mg of nolva ED for week, then drop down to 20mg ED for the following week. 0.5 arimidex ED for a week then drop to .25 ED or EOD. This is what i am finishing up and it worked like a charm. I started my clycle last week and will continue with the AI and 20mg of nolva during cycle. My gyno is the best its been in a few years now and a few weeks ago it was hurting like crazy. Either try that or full on letro gyno reversal.


  7. #7
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Your "women" dr probably has resentment towards men in the first place and just figures your a stupid man! don't do steriods and it will work itself out. Go to another male dr dude and get the pro active help you deserve as a patient....good luck!

  8. #8
    asquarecan is offline Associate Member
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    I'm going to give the AI a shot. If I don't see I difference I will go to a different dr. I have had the same dr. Since I was 5 lol. I will be home next weekend and will give it a shot!

    Thanks again guys!

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