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  1. #1
    mr.fatcat is offline New Member
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    Sep 2012

    hgh and test help

    hello im currently on my second cycle of test. but during my first cycle pct i lost about 5-10lbs of strength and gained about 12lbs of fat, i wasnt doing any cardion during pct bc i heard it can boost estrogen and hurt your gains. but this time im wondering if there is something i can do to stop this? im a couple months into this cycle and still havnt burned all that fat off from last pct i just started doin cardio hoping to loose it i also started taking hcg hoping thatll help also,. but i NEED!! to be at around 5% bodyfat but still musclar and hopefully with in a couple weeks im hoping that the hcg will help along with my cardio, but ive never been at 5% in my life even when i was boxing non stop for 3 years maintaining a good diet and alot of cardio and light weight training so i think im genetially inclined to be around 20% body fat. so im hoping i can find something that will help me i heard that hgh will help keep low body fat is that true could i start it before my post cycle and maintain my muscle and get low body fat? any help is much appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    mr.fatcat is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

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