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Thread: 2nd cycle! Deca & test! Help***

  1. #1
    Jain is offline New Member
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    Jul 2012

    Exclamation 2nd cycle! Deca & test! Help***

    hello everyone, i've done my first cycle in the month of dec'12-march first week'13. I was dissipointed. before starting the cycle i was at 70kgs i've gained only 14pounds in that cycle.In which i had start with D-bol(4weeks)(10mg,20mg,30mg,30mg) & testoviron depot 250 of 500 mg/wk for 12weeks. Pct was Nolvadex -(50,50,25,25)& clomid-(100,100,50,50). after the cycle i was at 77kgs. right now at 76.70kgs. i will say that while on the cycle my diet was good but my calorie intake was just at maintainese, & was doing a Lot of cardio around 40min a day 4days week. So i guess this is wat i deserve but still bit low.

    Anyways I'm leaving India in september for U.S.A for my studies . So i was thinking of doing My second cycle in India,as i dont knw when after goin tothe states i'll be able to do. So this would be my second cycle. N i know the time on=time off , I'm just one month short. if i start in the month of June then i can finish my cycle in spet.Cant help it . i'm thinking of doing DECA with test Cyp ,as the first cycle test Eth wasnt wat i expected.

    AGe 22, hight-5'9 , weigt- 76.70

    Deca 400mg per week for 1-10 weeks (not sure abt the DECA doese,let me know what you think)
    TEST CYP 500mg per week for 1-12 weeks

    the cyp cuz the 1st cycle eth didnt give me much just added 2kgs :\ so will try the cyp.

    will do HCG just not sure of the dose n from whn to start._ _ _ _ _

    And PCT gona keep the same as the first cycle
    NOVLA- 50,50,25,25
    Clomid - 100,100,50,50

    Will Have Armidex in hand.

    Well As i'm doing Deca i've heard u need to use ARMIDEX evyday is it true? Do tell me the does , n time fram for ARMIEDX,if needed.

    And i've also read that 1 needs to use Dostinex or Letrozole or Exemestane. while on DECA .
    Did searchin but couldnt find out abot these n DECA , Plese Help me out with this.

    And if i left out anything or need to chage or drop someting do let me know, I'd realy appreciate it.

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Are you aware of the risks with cycling at your age?

  3. #3
    Jain is offline New Member
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    In General Yes! But Not Indeepth! I mean i've read that once we stop usin them all the seides revert back to Normal! i know with good Pct N HCg it helps!

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jain
    In General Yes! But Not Indeepth! I mean i've read that once we stop usin them all the seides revert back to Normal! i know with good Pct N HCg it helps!
    Your endocrine system more than Likely is not fully developed yet and you risk permanent damage cycling at your age. Read the sticky cycles and the young

  5. #5
    Iron-56's Avatar
    Iron-56 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    Your endocrine system more than Likely is not fully developed yet and you risk permanent damage cycling at your age. Read the sticky cycles and the young
    At what point in ones life would you say these damages start to manifest?

  6. #6
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    Pretty much when you use em. Although the effects are higher n different ppl. With different doses. N different cycled/stacks.
    In an ideal.situation youd wait atleast until youve hit your plateau age/development wise and then still after youve plateaued gain wise. You mught find simply upping your calorific intake with the right foods could give you better gains than u achieved on your cycle. Again id take serious heed of.the sticky "cycling at a young age" its not something to take with a pinch of salt.

  7. #7
    Jain is offline New Member
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    so that means if i just drop Deca N go ahed with test n mabey if i can get my hands on D-bol Its much safer thn using deca? or Just using any 1 is goin to still effect my endocrine system?

  8. #8
    mmaelite is offline New Member
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    deca and cyp is a great combo. I just ran it for 16 weeks. I gained a solid 30 lbs. used 400mg week deca and 600 mg a week test. im doing pct now. I aint going to get into the age thing. I just wanted to address the question you had.

  9. #9
    briansvk's Avatar
    briansvk is offline Associate Member
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    I really don't understand you guys.... Cycling at 70kgs... God... You should be AT LEAST 85-90kg (190-200lbs) with 10 +-2 %BF... Anything lower is faaaaaaaaaar from genetic limits.. And start a cycle because "I want to be big fast" is according to my opinion the same as "I am stupid lazy punk who just think AAS will transform him into Coleman"... This is not the way.
    Another thing... Gaining 14pounds (7kgs) in 3 months time mean one thing and nothing else: You DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT NUTRITION! 22 years old! GOD! I bet you, I can gain more muscle and less fat naturally than you do using AAS! Getting big is running on LONG DISTANCES! It takes time to get the knowledge and experience required, to know your own body and its responses.. And before you do know this cycling is BAD THING FOR YOU.

    A lot of members here would told you... your endocrine system is not fully developed, you will harm yourself... Well yeah everything this is true, but... I am writing this not because you can harm yourself.. I don't give a shit about your health, your sexual future or if you will ever have children. It is your life and health you are putting at stake and if I would see you have the knowledge and experience required I would be more than happy to give advice. But this is CRAZY! AGe 22, hight-5'9 , weigt- 76.70... I am 6 foot high and I was 91kgs (200lbs) ONSTAGE WITH 4%BF!!! That means you are probable as thick in chest as me in thigh.. Maybe not even that... And I am 21 (22 in few days)... I started AAS at 20 years age but I had 5 years lifting experience, 2 years competing naturally and weight +- 91kgs (200lbs). And the only reason I started was that I wanna compete and in 26-27 years I wanna get PRO CARD!

    And don't even consider to write that "you have fast metabolism" or that "you cant gain weight and you are eating enough"... SUCH THING DOES NOT EXIST AND IS NOT POSSIBLE! If you are nor gaining eat WHOLE 25kg PIG A DAY... and if that doesn't help you to gain weight EAT TWO OF THEM!!!
    Last edited by briansvk; 05-14-2013 at 03:54 AM.

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