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  1. #1
    mogimi is offline New Member
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    Prop and Masteron


    I'm a beginner in these matters, just been on one cycle before.

    So I've been thinking if a Prop & masteron cycle would be a good combination and if it is should I inject the two compounds together every other day or should i split it up?

    Or is maybe a Test cypionate & Masteron a better choice, injecting cyp once a week and mast every other to third day.

    I'm a pretty small guy I guess 75kgs, 165lbs and 180cm, 5,9 feet.
    My goals are not to get "really big" but I want to put on some mass and look good I went and got my body fat measured and he said 8% but I dont think that is correct I would guess that I'm around 14-16%

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mogimi View Post

    I'm a beginner in these matters, just been on one cycle before.

    So I've been thinking if a Prop & masteron cycle would be a good combination and if it is should I inject the two compounds together every other day or should i split it up?

    Or is maybe a Test cypionate & Masteron a better choice, injecting cyp once a week and mast every other to third day.

    I'm a pretty small guy I guess 75kgs, 165lbs and 180cm, 5,9 feet.
    My goals are not to get "really big" but I want to put on some mass and look good I went and got my body fat measured and he said 8% but I dont think that is correct I would guess that I'm around 14-16%

    Thanks in advance.
    Welcome to the forum.

    What is your reasoning behind adding the masteron?

  3. #3
    ChiveOn's Avatar
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    Use this and give us your body fat
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    How old are you?

    Mast is a waste of money unless you're around 10% body fat. At least gotta be under 12.

    You seem to be a bit light... Not to insult. But look at the nutrition section and see what they can do for you. I would be willing to bet you could make some great natural gains stull

  4. #4
    mogimi is offline New Member
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    Thanks a lot for the fast answers.
    I'm 27 years old. About the masteron I've read that it's good for cutting bodyfat and that it prevents the gymno (bitch tits) so I thought it could be a good idea to take it to.

    Hmm when I look at the image I dunno maybe 12-15 or something I'll just put a pic and you guys can maybe see it more clearly than me.
    And about the nutrition section I know I have go more like all in on that side, I'm eating healthy and trying to eat often but I haven't taken the step to really started to measure and calculate exactly what I should eat.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Prop and Masteron-me.jpg  

  5. #5
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mogimi View Post
    Thanks a lot for the fast answers.
    I'm 27 years old. About the masteron I've read that it's good for cutting bodyfat and that it prevents the gymno (bitch tits) so I thought it could be a good idea to take it to.

    Hmm when I look at the image I dunno maybe 12-15 or something I'll just put a pic and you guys can maybe see it more clearly than me.
    And about the nutrition section I know I have go more like all in on that side, I'm eating healthy and trying to eat often but I haven't taken the step to really started to measure and calculate exactly what I should eat.
    Masteron does very little; if anything, to reduce bodyfat, and the same is true for gyno.

    Diet will dictate the loss of BF on cycle and an AI on cycle and Nolva pct will combat most gyno issues.

    If this is your only justification for using the masteron I would suggest a TEST ONLY cycle.

  6. #6
    ChiveOn's Avatar
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    I would venture to say you're around the 15% mark. Too high to see benefit from mast. Also, as slfmade pointed out mast will not reduce body fat. It just hardens and makes you more vascular, which you won't see anyway if you're not leaner. Mast does exhibit an anti estrogenic effect, however unless you're taking a TRT dose of test (under 200mg) weekly it's nowhere near enough to warrant not using an AI. If anything I would get bloodwork done on cycle to get precise answers, although its not really an option for everyone.
    Look into adex or aromasin for that.
    Most of all hit up the nutrition section and post your full stats, an average diet, complete with macros. (Protein/carb/fats/calories in grams per meal)

  7. #7
    mogimi is offline New Member
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    hmm ok, I forgot to write in my other post that I also read that mast can cause some dryness which would be good if you had problem with acne before, right? Had problems with it a couple of years ago and I really do not want to get it again.

    Test cycle only, ok should I stay with just one test compound like prop or maybe mix it like cyp once a week and prop every other day?

  8. #8
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mogimi View Post
    hmm ok, I forgot to write in my other post that I also read that mast can cause some dryness which would be good if you had problem with acne before, right? Had problems with it a couple of years ago and I really do not want to get it again.

    Test cycle only, ok should I stay with just one test compound like prop or maybe mix it like cyp once a week and prop every other day?
    Stick with one type of test. Doesn't really matter which one, it depends how often you wanta inject.

  9. #9
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    If you wanna eliminate acne tanning works better than anything else for me

  10. #10
    mogimi is offline New Member
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    ok, thanks a lot for the answers!
    I've been reading for a good answer but haven't found any yet so I'll try to ask you guys, you seem to know your stuff.
    So I think I will take Nolvadex with to prevent gyno, how much should I take and should I start at the same time as I start the cycle?
    Thinking about using nolvadex also as post therapy to kick start my own test production again. Do you guys have any opinion on that matter?
    Thanks in advance.

  11. #11
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Just my opinion but your a bit lacking in the solid muscle base department. Maybe another year of hard training first

  12. #12
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    ^^^^^^I agree. I am not trying to be a dick but you could def benefit from spending some time in the nutrition section and start to get a grasp on a good solid diet. This is MORE important then anything else at this point.

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