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  1. #1
    colorado75 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Var or Winnie to cut last 4 weeks of a cycle


    Current cycle:
    Primo - weeks 1-16 / 900mg per week
    Tren E - weeks 1-12 / 600mg per week
    Test Prop - weeks 1-12 / 240mg per week
    Test Prop - weeks 13-16 / 450mg per week
    HGH - running for 1 year at least / 4iu per day
    HCG - 250iu 3x week

    monday I start week 13, so I have 4 weeks left in the cycle.....debating between using Var or Winnie as a help to further cut. I realize diet and training will help the most and I believe these are both close to spot on if not spot on. Just looking for an additional kicker to add in the last 4 weeks.

    What do you guys think will help with cutting more, Var or winnie? I suspect Var will but I am not certain. I also know that winnie will dry one out giving the appearance of being more cut...I am not really interested in simply appearing more I want to be more cut, period. In addition to your suggestion, what dosage do you recommend? I was thinking 100mg Var/day or 75mg winnie/day. Lastly, is there much of a point in running either one of these compounds for only 4 weeks, some say you need to run for 6 or so for good results.

    Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Honestly, I think you're using too much gear unless you're competing.
    But Winstrol is more effective, though the side effects are higher.

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