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  1. #1
    HebrewHammer's Avatar
    HebrewHammer is offline New Member
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    Advice; ADHD & Insomnia

    Im a 30 yr old and also a Veteran who has served in Iraq. In my life Ive used dbol for only three weeks and thats all my experience.

    Considering plans on making some significant gains! Im currently taking Adderall XR 30 mg for ADHD and 20mg Amitriptalyine for insomnia. My concern is interaction while planning on using Test c for the first time and taking the above compounds?


  2. #2
    Live for the PUMP's Avatar
    Live for the PUMP is offline Senior Member
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    Ha I use to take aderol when I was young. Hated that stuff. I wouldn't think that these meds would interact with using test. No doctor just my opinion.

  3. #3
    HebrewHammer's Avatar
    HebrewHammer is offline New Member
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    Yea, Ive had ADHD since I was a kid also, but only recently have I started treatment and it seems to be working very well. The Apnea and Insomnea I developed while I was down range, go figure right.

    As far as bodybuilding, I've been training off and on for about 5 years, its only now in my thirties I've stuck with it consistanly now for several monthes. My current weight is 200lb at 69.5" and my goal is trim down the fat and get to 185-190lb at 10-12% BF. I like Adam Charlton's physique and is sort of what I'd like to obtain soon!

    Nice pic by the way!

  4. #4
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
    MartyMcFly is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HebrewHammer View Post
    Yea, Ive had ADHD since I was a kid also, but only recently have I started treatment and it seems to be working very well. The Apnea and Insomnea I developed while I was down range, go figure right.

    As far as bodybuilding, I've been training off and on for about 5 years, its only now in my thirties I've stuck with it consistanly now for several monthes. My current weight is 200lb at 69.5" and my goal is trim down the fat and get to 185-190lb at 10-12% BF. I like Adam Charlton's physique and is sort of what I'd like to obtain soon!

    Nice pic by the way!
    Adderall shouldn't be a problem.

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