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Thread: Question about letro... not sure what to do

  1. #1
    lifeofdefiance is offline Associate Member
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    Question about letro... not sure what to do

    Ok so I just got back some bloods and my e2 was insanely high (291). I ordered some letro because I noticed my nipples have been puffy which is probably due to the high e2 levels. I'm assuming my adex must have been totally bunk and have some more of that on the way as well (been running .25 mg eod). The thing is though I'm only on 175 mg of test a week + hcg (and then also 525 tren , but obviously that shouldn't effect e2). I'm scared using letro might be overkill here, but I don't know because my e2 is so high. What do you guys think I should do?
    Last edited by lifeofdefiance; 05-13-2013 at 12:12 PM.

  2. #2
    snowblowjoe's Avatar
    snowblowjoe is offline Senior Member
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    Some people think tren gives you higher e2 levels on labs than your actual levels

  3. #3
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Bump your adex!

  4. #4
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    Bump your adex!
    ^^^agree with Lunk!

    Letro is too harsh IMO.

  5. #5
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaspaco View Post
    ^^^agree with Lunk!

    Letro is too harsh IMO.
    I DO NOT agree. letro is the best AI out there IF it is dosed right. its abotu all I use now
    , 0.25mg eod is good for most. not this stupid 1.2-2.5mg ed-eod crap I see on forums (not you but i have seen it ). also another big one is guys starting letro, not seeing it work then bumping up dose.... ending up complaining about letro.. with letro you need to wait a few weeks and any raises in dosage should be given atleast 2 weeks before upping again..

  6. #6
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lifeofdefiance View Post
    Ok so I just got back some bloods and my e2 was insanely high (291). I ordered some letro because I noticed my nipples have been puffy which is probably due to the high e2 levels. I'm assuming my adex must have been totally bunk and have some more of that on the way as well (been running .25 mg eod). The thing is though I'm only on 175 mg of test a week + hcg (and then also 525 tren, but obviously that shouldn't effect e2). I'm scared using letro might be overkill here, but I don't know because my e2 is so high. What do you guys think I should do?
    I love leteo but at onle 175mg test ew... i dont think its needed, but you could try it at a low dose I like to use on light cycles. 0,25mg eod, but again i use this on 500mg test and am good... 175mg test is pretty low, could be the tren causing some sort of issue?
    dex was pretty low, .25mg eod for tren is great for even higher dose cycles to some. 1.2mg 2X a week was good for me even on 1G test ew.

    Good luck man.

    personally i say if you use letro do .25mg eod... but upping the dex should be enough also.
    Octaneforce likes this.

  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    I ran 1.25 Letro on 1G of test. Letro E3D and my joints felt like shyt. I keep it around for gyno reversal but not as my promary AI choice. It is very effective but can be difficult to dose with much less room for error!

  8. #8
    snowblowjoe's Avatar
    snowblowjoe is offline Senior Member
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    I must have an insane tolerance to AI cus I ran letro at 2.5mg ed for like 2 months OFF cycle and my estrogen was still on the high normal side. It did fuk my joints but I didn't know that was from letro. I got letro from arr btw should not be bunk. Just got my estradiol checked again today

  9. #9
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowblowjoe View Post
    I must have an insane tolerance to AI cus I ran letro at 2.5mg ed for like 2 months OFF cycle and my estrogen was still on the high normal side. It did fuk my joints but I didn't know that was from letro. I got letro from arr btw should not be bunk. Just got my estradiol checked again today
    Letro is notorious for joint pain. I felt like me knees and elbows were being hit with a hammer

  10. #10
    lifeofdefiance is offline Associate Member
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    So I decided to use .5 mg today. bloats already looking better (see pic below). I think I'm just gonna use this dose for the remainder of the week then switch back over to the new adex I'm getting. I'd rather risk crashing my estro than end up with bitch tits lol. Not sure how my e2 got so high even, that adex must have been completely bunk because it's not like I'm on a lot of test.

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