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  1. #1
    Ante2212 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Some advice please!!!!!!!!

    Hello to all

    I have some questions that maybe some of you could answer, doctors have no actual answer other than good genes and its the HRT.......

    Small catch up,
    I have been on TRT and HGH for over 2yrs all doctor supervised with monthly blood work my stats at this point are as follow:
    14% bf
    Last lab work
    Cholesterol is normal
    All related blood work is Norma
    BP is 106/63
    Pulse at rest 53 bpm

    Diet is in check not perfect but in check
    Not looking to get hulkish or extreme cut, I lift m-f and run up to 25miles per week......

    My issue is as follow, it is now almost a year since I have been or had any soared muscles, I change routines every other week and some times weekly, change modes and style from heavy Lowe rep to light high rep and mixed, for my size I'm very strong bench max is 365x4 leg press 985x4 decline db press is at 115x4

    I don't have any joint pain or swelling always work to the point of almost throwing up after a workout(some times actually I have)
    So is this just a result of the HGH and TRT I am starting a training cycle with Mickie Shultz in New Orleans and see where it goes

    Any and all comments are welcome.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Mar 2008
    How often are you changing up your training?

  3. #3
    Ante2212 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Every other week or weekly depends on the weight, if I get comfy with certain weight or can do more than max x 4 I will change

  4. #4
    D2'd's Avatar
    D2'd is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2013
    I think you need to have a go at the 12-15 rep range. Ouch. We almost have the exact same frame/structure and I can vouch that high weight low reps are more natural than higher reps, but give it a shot, it'll definitely take you out of your comfort zone.

    15 - 17 % BF

  5. #5
    bigsiv's Avatar
    bigsiv is offline Productive Member
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    North east England
    I would advise you to have a look at Marcus's diary. Incorporate 1 min rest periods and Dorians hit style training. You may think you are working hard but if your muscles aren't sore then you haven't broken them down during your workout IMO

    Read Marcus's diary it's great for everything to do with body building

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