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Thread: Aromasin

  1. #1
    cgozz's Avatar
    cgozz is offline Associate Member
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    Aromasin did nothing for me. Started off low dose ended up on high dose ED, still nothing. Switched to adex noticed a difference right away. Used pharm grade and liquid grade stane. Is it possible some men do not respond to stane.

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgozz
    Aromasin did nothing for me. Started off low dose ended up on high dose ED, still nothing. Switched to adex noticed a difference right away. Used pharm grade and liquid grade stane. Is it possible some men do not respond to stane.
    What was the dose you ran and for how long?

  3. #3
    AlinSR is offline new member
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    What were you trying to accomplish?

  4. #4
    magicstick2003's Avatar
    magicstick2003 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I imagine it's possible. There's tons of threads on here where guys use letro with great results/ no sides but don't have the same luck with A-dex or aromasin . Although the general vibe I get is that guys seem to have the most luck with aromasin with the least sides. Possibility the aromasin was under dosed or bunk does exist (did notice you said it was pharm grade but unless you got it directly from a pharmacy then you really can't be 100% sure without any uncertainty). What sides were you experiencing and what compounds were being used? Not a whole lot of info in the original post.

  5. #5
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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    How do you know it did nothing? What tests were done?

    Or are you referencing as in symptoms of high E2?

  6. #6
    cgozz's Avatar
    cgozz is offline Associate Member
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    E2 levels were getting out of control, acne was getting bad, was taking 12.5 Ed, then 25 Ed, kept increasing. Finally switched over to adex and acne was controlled. Currently running PCT. will have labs done after PCT. feeling good strength is up and so is libido. Ran HCG entire cycle, along with AI. Just had problems with Aromasin .
    Was using board sponsor liquid stane and legit pharm grade had little to no effect.
    Last edited by cgozz; 05-14-2013 at 12:09 PM.

  7. #7
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgozz
    E2 levels were getting out of control, acne was getting bad, was taking 12.5 Ed, then 25 Ed, kept increasing. Finally switched over to adex and acne was controlled. Currently running PCT. will have labs done after PCT. feeling good strength is up and so is libido. Ran HCG entire cycle, along with AI. Just had problems with Aromasin .
    Was using board sponsor liquid stane and legit pharm grade had little to no effect.
    How much Adex were you running and what compounds dose(s) were you running for your cycle?

  8. #8
    cgozz's Avatar
    cgozz is offline Associate Member
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    ran .25 of adex had prami on hand. Ran test e at 500mg every 3.5 days and Deca at 300mg weekly. Currently running nolvadex and Clomid for PCT.

  9. #9
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    How long did you run the stane at 25 Ed before switching to Adex. Stane takes a bit to build up
    Last edited by Bio-Active; 05-14-2013 at 01:27 PM.

  10. #10
    cgozz's Avatar
    cgozz is offline Associate Member
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    Well over a month!

  11. #11
    cgozz's Avatar
    cgozz is offline Associate Member
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    Well over a month

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