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Thread: Help on 1st cycle plase (Test-E, Dbol)

  1. #1
    brahfx is offline New Member
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    Mar 2013

    Help on 1st cycle plase (Test-E, Dbol)

    Hi guys, I'm new here to this forum and have been researching to properly do a Test-E + Dbol cycle for 12 weeks and would appreciate some guidance on this.

    Test E (500mg/week) (Week 1-12)
    Dbol (30-40mg/week) (Week 1-4/5)
    I have Tamoxifene Citrate, and Aromasin on hand in case there's any signs of gyno. I will also be taking Liv-52, and CoQ10 + fish oil caps+ orange triad during cycle.
    PCT: I'm going to be using the Nolva and injections of HCG to kickstart my own T production.

    I've been lifting for at least 2 years fully so far.
    Stats are: 6.0 ft, 190lbs, 17.5% bf

    I was wondering how much dbol I should take since it's my first cycle, it's different everywhere I look? Also I see a lot of people seem to recommend using a small Aromasin dose EOD to prevent high estrogen levels in body, but the person I got my stuff from told me not to worry about it and that the higher estrogen will give me more gains? I'm not sure whether I'm sensitive and prone to gyno..

  2. #2
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Lots wrong with this, lets try to clean it up.
    1st cycle lose the dbol
    you should run the AI aromasin on cycle to control estrogen not wait till you get gyno, lets prevent it from ever being an issue
    Hcg should be run on cycle to prevent testicular atrophy and provide for a faster recovery
    Pct should also include clomid and nolva but clomid I feel can be run a bit light say 50/25/25/25 on a test only at 500mg wk

    Last your stats seem to say your not ready at 22 your test production is at an all time high, your weight and bodyfat suggest that diet is the problem and juice is not the answer.

    Ultimately a visit to the nutrition section would get you better results and spending your money on nutrition is a sure bet

  3. #3
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I agree your too young bro.Do your body a solid and wait a few years.You will be glad you did.
    brahfx likes this.

  4. #4
    AlinSR is offline new member
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    Quote Originally Posted by brahfx View Post
    Hi guys, I'm new here to this forum and have been researching to properly do a Test-E + Dbol cycle for 12 weeks and would appreciate some guidance on this.

    Test E (500mg/week) (Week 1-12)
    Dbol (30-40mg/week) (Week 1-4/5)
    I have Tamoxifene Citrate, and Aromasin on hand in case there's any signs of gyno. I will also be taking Liv-52, and CoQ10 + fish oil caps+ orange triad during cycle.
    PCT: I'm going to be using the Nolva and injections of HCG to kickstart my own T production.

    I've been lifting for at least 2 years fully so far.
    Stats are: 6.0 ft, 190lbs, 17.5% bf

    I was wondering how much dbol I should take since it's my first cycle, it's different everywhere I look? Also I see a lot of people seem to recommend using a small Aromasin dose EOD to prevent high estrogen levels in body, but the person I got my stuff from told me not to worry about it and that the higher estrogen will give me more gains? I'm not sure whether I'm sensitive and prone to gyno..
    2 years is not very long.

  5. #5
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    if you decide to wait till 25yo, you can also use this time to get your BF% down a little.
    brahfx likes this.

  6. #6
    brahfx is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    Lots wrong with this, lets try to clean it up.
    1st cycle lose the dbol
    you should run the AI aromasin on cycle to control estrogen not wait till you get gyno, lets prevent it from ever being an issue
    Hcg should be run on cycle to prevent testicular atrophy and provide for a faster recovery
    Pct should also include clomid and nolva but clomid I feel can be run a bit light say 50/25/25/25 on a test only at 500mg wk

    Last your stats seem to say your not ready at 22 your test production is at an all time high, your weight and bodyfat suggest that diet is the problem and juice is not the answer.

    Ultimately a visit to the nutrition section would get you better results and spending your money on nutrition is a sure bet
    Thanks for your replies so far, much appreciated! I was at like 12-13% so far, just started dreamer bulking eating whatever I wanted for strength purposes.. I decided to do the dbol + test e cycle, but I'm definitely going to be using aromasin throughout cycle as well as HCG. I was wondering though how much I should have of the aromasin? I was thinking 12.5mg EOD.
    Also for the dbol i'm not sure whether to go 30 or 40 mg a day, it seems to vary with everyone???

  7. #7
    brahfx is offline New Member
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    Mar 2013
    + also I opened up my pack of Methandrostenolone and it says 10 mg tabs and 100 tabs in it. When I opened up and counted them there were 146 tabs... wtf has this ever happened to anyone?Click image for larger version. 

Name:	431823_10152891607320525_947997851_n.jpg 
Views:	1348 
Size:	92.8 KB 
ID:	139534

  8. #8
    tdoe11's Avatar
    tdoe11 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by brahfx
    + also I opened up my pack of Methandrostenolone and it says 10 mg tabs and 100 tabs in it. When I opened up and counted them there were 146 tabs... wtf has this ever happened to anyone?<img src=""/>
    I have ordered from sx a few times. Everytime they shorted me pills! One time they completely forgot 100 vars, I had to re order more to get them to resend the missing 100. My bags of 100 are always in the low 90s. They have monkeys bagging up their stuff. I found a monkey hair in one of the bags!

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