Hey guys.. This will be about my 5th cycle and I am looking to do it proper..
This it the plan:

Preloading with dbols 60mg a day Frontloading for a few weeks (5?) as I start the t400 and Tren

t400 and Tren E 200mg 1 ml of each 3 times a week.

Arimidex 1mg (cant split these so EOD) will that be a problem if I cant split em?

Maybe throw in a bottle of Var I have closer to the end of the cycle after a long time to recover from the Dbol .

I worry about bloat and stuff. I have extra Clo and Nolva on hand. Also HCG .
Got a liver health supplement. Also milk thisle. Last blood test my ALT was a bit high. but everything else was ok. Also just had a full Physical.

Going to run a long cycle 4 - 6 month before PCT. Already have PCT (HCG Clo and/or Nolva) ready to go.

Weight 245 - 250. a Little extra fat on my body. Good base muscle amount. 30 years old.

Any advice? PLEASE!
Vancouver BC Canada