05-27-2013, 05:36 PM #1
What to expect from Test/Deca/Winny?
Relatively new guy here. Is this cycle even possibly advisable?
I'm the guy that has worked out and dieted pretty good for years, and still has trouble gaining LBM and losing BF. I know everyone will say "YOURE DIET SUCKS AND YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOURE DOING!" You may be right, but I believe my genetics are just about as terrible as you could ask for.
*Can I get some nice, safe, results of lean muscle gains & fat loss with some test/deca /winny?
I feel like this combo would be good with:
test cyp 500/wk
deca 300-600/wk (havent decided yet) for size
winny (not sure on dosage as I havent researched enough yet) for leaning...?
What do you guys think? Please dont give me the typical smartass answers about me being a dumbass idiot, I already know that, or else I wouldnt be asking you guys for your opinion. I already know I should have my BF down to ~12% before even cycling, blah blah blah, but I feel I'm close enough. Thanks to all you fellas willing to take the time to advise me!
PS-also open to anavar , or other ideas
05-27-2013, 05:52 PM #2
1st cycle go with test only.
05-27-2013, 05:59 PM #3
The advice I always give to first timers is test only, and the standard protocol in my book is 500mg test c/e per week for 12 weeks.
Use a scientific approach, get to know how your body will respond to a single compound (testosterone ), and then when you are familiar/comfortable with that, then you can slowly add one new compound at a time, never add two unknown/untried compounds at a time else if you get an adverse reaction (like limp dik, or a substantial increase in blood pressure), you will not be able to tell which new compound is causing you trouble, since you've never tried either before.
Now go to the diet section and post your diet including macros per meal and total macros per day, along with your TDEE so we can see what's going on with you nutritionally.
Steroids should be the last thing to consider after you've dialed everything else in place.
If your diet sucks, any gains attributable to steroids will dissipate due to your diet not being able to support your new gains.
You want to be able to retain your gains, right? you do that through your diet.
Good luck!
05-27-2013, 11:29 PM #4
good info buddies... I did test long ester 500mg for 9 wks and I absolutely loved it.. Zero sides with liquidex except for great strength and size gains, and felt like a million bucks. I got the deca already, but want to gain size and strength. I know the "proper" way to go is do things individually to see what side effects are from each compound, but I'd like to get some results if Im going through the trouble. Thanks for the input friends
05-28-2013, 11:38 PM #5
Bro you can make all the excuses you want.But if your diet isnt right you are wasting your time and money.So before you start go to the diet section and trim down.AAS isnt a diet aid.
05-29-2013, 11:35 AM #6
Gotcha. When I started this thread I was kinda frustrated. I'm straight now and am continuing to improve, not just add more aas. I've got to where I eat alot of lean and healthy meals, but I'm not yet to the point where I know how many macros & calories I'm intaking. I'm working on it tho. Thanks man
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