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Thread: Guys that have cycled before 25 get in here!

  1. #41
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
    yeahbuddy289 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Thanks for posting guys. The reason I made this thread is I am a little worried about myself as I am not 25 yet and have used a couple times. I suppose ill confess my "sins" lol

    - at 21 I did 5 weeks of dbol only 30mg a day. I took liver support and PCT for 3 weeks with novla and clomid
    - at 22 I ran test. e. at 500mg/week for 10 weeks. I used adex at .25mg 2x a week and PCT with nolva and clomid for 4 weeks
    - at 23 I stacked dbol at 30mg a day for 4 weeks with test. e. at 500mg a week for 10 weeks with adex at .25mg 2x a week. Same PCT as previous cycle
    - I am still 23 but have followed the time on+PCT= time off rule and have started my 4th cycle. I am just keeping it simple running only test e. 500mg a week for 10 weeks with adex at .25mg 2x week.

    I haven't noticed any side effects other than bad ance on my back which I had before I used. I feel the same whether im on cycle, doing PCT, or off. My balls don't shrink, I don't get depressed, my blood pressure stays low.... if I didn't make great gains I would swear my gear was bunk.
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  2. #42
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    started at 22, test only cycle. then test/tren , then test/tren/superdrol, then test/tren/anavar , then test/tren/winny, and now test/tren (yea i like tren) so far no issues, had bloodwork done multiple times, everything checked out ok, but im 26 now so who knows maybe something will happen down the road, hopefully not...
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  3. #43
    Metalject's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    See...I don't get this mentality Metel. I'm not going to make myself a diabetic if I can avoid it. It's controllable and not a big deal for most that are but I bet very few are saying " yeah I'm a diabetic and I wouldn't change a thing".

    Same goes for TRT...why take UNECCESSARY risks and bring the burden upon yourself if it can be avoided. Yes I realize that it's a risk for us all.That's why I was 36 before stating to mess with AAS...
    Maybe I didn't word things the best way. I'll try again.

    Most men are going to benefit from TRT at some point in their life whether they ever used gear or not. Does this mean they will absolutely need it? Well, that depends on your definition of need. If we go by standard insurance guidelines unless your levels are below 350ng/dl you don't need TRT, but that doesn't mean you won't benefit from TRT.

    Another point, if most men will at some point in their life benefit from TRT despite no prior steroid use , how many more men who have used gear will benefit? A lot and all the PCT's in the world won't change this. Sure, if you can avoid absolutely needing it then that's great, but my point is if you do need it it's really not a big deal. It's not really a life or death situation, whereas diabetes would be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Well for me, I have to make a weekly visit to a clinic to get my shot. That requires me MAKING the time to make the trip to get the shot, and if I need blood work, get that done too. In that, it's a real pain. Plus, it's rather expensive. The money I spend on my TRT, I could be putting towards a lot of things.

    But I agree with you, if your estradiol levels are in the normal range and you're not suffering from any estrogen-related symptoms, there is no reason why somebody should take an AI. We need some in us. But, we only really know what our levels are from blood work that people need to be getting done.
    That does sound like a giant pain, but TRT doesn't have to be that big of a pain in the butt. You can find plenty of doctors out there that will let you inject yourself. Why not give this site's sponsor a try? As for blood work, you're right, you have to make a point to go get your blood work done, but there's no reason this has to be extremely often.

  4. #44
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Diabetes may have been a bad example analogy but my point is, why risk needing TRT for life any sooner then needed? Why if you already, at age 20, produce test levels in the 700's would you risk being married to a needle any longer than you have to be?

  5. #45
    Metalject's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Diabetes may have been a bad example analogy but my point is, why risk needing TRT for life any sooner then needed? Why if you already, at age 20, produce test levels in the 700's would you risk being married to a needle any longer than you have to be?
    I guess it just has to do with what's important to you. Just my own example, my whole life during that time revolved around bodybuilding, which meant gear and lots of gear. Did that put me at risk of TRT earlier than I might have been otherwise? Absolutely, but the only thing that could have made things different would be if my life hadn't revolved around bodybuilding.

  6. #46
    Java Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by human project View Post
    I wanna sign up to be a test person....

  7. #47
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Interesting comments above guys. I'll add that TRT is not a pain in the ass for me personally as I had no choice. Although TRT is not something to shoot for. For some it can be a serious problem if stuck dealing with doctors with zero hormone knowledge resulting in poor treatment. You just don't walk in to the first doc's office you come across and automatically receive top notch HRT. Most doc's really don't know hormone therapy and that is where most people seem to struggle IMHO. Couple that with poor or no insurance along with all the other issues life can throw at you and it just complicates it even more. No one knows how their financial or insurance situation will be a few years down the road....

    That said I agree with Metal regarding AI's. If people get dialed in and have a healthy lifestyle, reduced body fat, etc., they stand a good chance of not needing or at least greatly reducing the amount of AI needed. AI's are greatly over used due to poor or excessive protocols.

    As TRT becomes more mainstream the issues with it will hopefully go away as doctors become more educated toward it and more HRT specific disciplines are developed. Anyone going on TRT should consider themselves extremely lucky to one extent. Our parents generation did not have the ability to utilize such a life-style saving tool as hormone replacement. They just had to slowly self-destruct while we painfully watched.

    My .02
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  8. #48
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    I guess it just has to do with what's important to you. Just my own example, my whole life during that time revolved around bodybuilding, which meant gear and lots of gear. Did that put me at risk of TRT earlier than I might have been otherwise? Absolutely, but the only thing that could have made things different would be if my life hadn't revolved around bodybuilding.
    Yes but that isn't the majority of the youth arriving here by any stretch....

  9. #49
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    Yes but that isn't the majority of the youth arriving here by any stretch....
    True, most of the youth here is looking for nothing more then a confidence boost.

  10. #50
    spiketannin's Avatar
    spiketannin is offline Associate Member
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    i geared at 19 500 mg of test 13 weeks. felt like a fuccin boss after coming from being a skinny ecto it felt good. went from 6 "2 165 to 215, vasular and aesthetic too since we ran at practice all day. but I only liked it for about under 2 years. then i eventually hated being big and wanted to be an ecto again. felt like a dbag all the time and girls dont like big ass dudes their more into soccer players then mike tysons. but females and athletics aside I didnt really like it at all.

  11. #51
    Metalject's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Yes but that isn't the majority of the youth arriving here by any stretch....
    I agree, no argument there.

  12. #52
    Java Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Interesting comments above guys. I'll add that TRT is not a pain in the ass for me personally as I had no choice. Although TRT is not something to shoot for. For some it can be a serious problem if stuck dealing with doctors with zero hormone knowledge resulting in poor treatment. You just don't walk in to the first doc's office you come across and automatically receive top notch HRT. Most doc's really don't know hormone therapy and that is where most people seem to struggle IMHO. Couple that with poor or no insurance along with all the other issues life can throw at you and it just complicates it even more. No one knows how their financial or insurance situation will be a few years down the road....

    That said I agree with Metal regarding AI's. If people get dialed in and have a healthy lifestyle, reduced body fat, etc., they stand a good chance of not needing or at least greatly reducing the amount of AI needed. AI's are greatly over used due to poor or excessive protocols.

    As TRT becomes more mainstream the issues with it will hopefully go away as doctors become more educated toward it and more HRT specific disciplines are developed. Anyone going on TRT should consider themselves extremely lucky to one extent. Our parents generation did not have the ability to utilize such a life-style saving tool as hormone replacement. They just had to slowly self-destruct while we painfully watched.

    My .02
    Why can't we double or triple 'like' a post??

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