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  1. #1
    dogtags is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2011

    First 12 Week Test E cycle, Wk 12 6+ weeks of acne

    Good Morning all. I just did my last pin of my 12 Week cycle of:

    600mg Test E 2x wk
    25mg Proviron ED
    .5mg Adex EoD
    250 IU HCG 2x Wk

    Everything has been great, awesome gains and I have not experienced any sides other than acne...Bad acne.. I have never had acne on my body and honlestly expected of all places for it to show up on cycle was my face, but it didnt. Shoulders look like star crunch, forarms have red spots (20 - 30 if I took the time to count them) same with my arms (biceps/triceps). Stomach is like my shoulders but less intense, Upper back as will. All hard small pimples with no heads. With a few bit ones here and there.

    To be honest this aspect of the whole experience has been a real downer for me. Its embarassing and I know it will go away Post-cycle but I just wish I could have avoided it.

    Was it the high levels of test? Is this something would be severely mitigated if I were on 250mg Omnadren and 300mg Deca ?

    I used a Salysilic Body wash Morning and night, used apple cider vinager and aloe lotion often. showered immediately after workouts. Always wore clean clothes, clean sheets.

    I just wish this could have been less prominent

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    A lot of these scrubs and lotions will help but generally don't get to the root problem. Take a look at the Acne Protocol in my sig so you can clean out your skin from the inside out. Plus you won't have to lather crap in hard to reach areas

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by dogtags
    Good Morning all. I just did my last pin of my 12 Week cycle of:

    600mg Test E 2x wk
    25mg Proviron ED
    .5mg Adex EoD
    250 IU HCG 2x Wk

    Everything has been great, awesome gains and I have not experienced any sides other than acne...Bad acne.. I have never had acne on my body and honlestly expected of all places for it to show up on cycle was my face, but it didnt. Shoulders look like star crunch, forarms have red spots (20 - 30 if I took the time to count them) same with my arms (biceps/triceps). Stomach is like my shoulders but less intense, Upper back as will. All hard small pimples with no heads. With a few bit ones here and there.

    To be honest this aspect of the whole experience has been a real downer for me. Its embarassing and I know it will go away Post-cycle but I just wish I could have avoided it.

    Was it the high levels of test? Is this something would be severely mitigated if I were on 250mg Omnadren and 300mg Deca ?

    I used a Salysilic Body wash Morning and night, used apple cider vinager and aloe lotion often. showered immediately after workouts. Always wore clean clothes, clean sheets.

    I just wish this could have been less prominent
    We're you running 600 mg EW split to 300x2 of test or 600 X2?

  4. #4
    dogtags is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    We're you running 600 mg EW split to 300x2 of test or 600 X2?
    Sorryo worded that wrong. 300mg 2x/wk so 600/wk

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I was a walking acne carpet my first cycle. It was depressing but I got strong and big. I've got multiple cycles and years under my belt and I find that I don't get any acne or at most just a few. I've gotten smarter about what to take and my body's gotten used to the AAS. Hang in there, your cycles will get better.

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