Weight: 205.9
-39lb of fat
-166.9lbs of muscle
-44.2lbs of lean mass
Total Body Water: 122.6 lbs
-76.1 lbs intracellular and 46.5lbs extracellular
BMR: 2004kcal
BMI: 30.4
PBF: 19.0%

Took ECA, liked it due to curb of appetite and gain in intensity/energy but did not like due to the lack of being able to get an erection.(Horny GF)
Am I even ready for clen with my current stats? im not unhealthy, I eat a balanced diet and I exercise 6 days a week (Work at a gym) and if so, how much should I take? the current bottle of solution I have right now is 200mcg/1ml. Should I taper up or jump right into a higher dosage? Also, Albuterol (<, >, =) Clen?