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  1. #1
    SOcalfresh is offline New Member
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    Trying something new? Sust 10 wk. Var first 5 wk. 3 wk off Var, 5 wk back on.

    Hey Errboddy,
    185-193 pending on goal for the week lbs
    physique competitor, been as low as 5-6% body fat, usually around 7-9%(what i'm at now)
    been lifting since I was 13, hard since 15 when I got into high school.
    this is my FIRST CYCLE. I've hit natural genetic limits in my opinion. Pending on goal I can rep out 225 for 15 or if I'm going for 1rm I've hit double my weight, clean.
    squat-315 for 15 to the ground
    etc as far as other other lifts with solid weight.
    I've been reading and doing research on Anabolics for a while now, and just ordered a 10wk supply of Sust, and 10wk supply of Var. as well as Armidex if needed (still not sure if I want to run it during but I think for first cycle I will only run if needed) and Nolva for PCT. I could not get my hands on some HCG but I don't feel its "needed" after doing a lot of research on it.
    prospective cycle:
    -500 mg sust (biweekly) for 10 weeks
    Anavar at least 50mg a day first 5 wks for jumpstart. 3 weeks off since Sust will have kicked in and to give liver a break. 5 more weeks Anavar at at least 50 mg a day weeks 8-13.
    Nolva 40/40/20/20 starting after last day of Var (3 weeks after last pin of Sust)
    -also going to pick up some HCGENERATE for PCT since i couldn't get real HCG.

    I havn't seen anyone split it like this, but I see people start and end cycles in Var, as well as do 5wk cycles alone, so I figured why not split my 10 wk. cycle and accomplish both especially since SUST will have kicked in by wk 5. Let me know what you guys think. I havn't started and will not be starting until everything is settled.

  2. #2
    SOcalfresh is offline New Member
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    also, could entirely care less about strength. goals are related to gaining lean body mass, and keeping or dropping body fat. I do not have an exact number goal. Just want to maximize on my potential with the help of Anabolics.
    p.s. diet and training are on LOCKDOWN. been doing this for a long time and know whats best for me in those two areas.

  3. #3
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Well most sust has prop in it, so you'll need every other day injections. Your first cycle needs to be test only. Save the var for next run. If you will ignore this advice, I would just use the var the last 6 weeks. You will need to use an ai the whole time, or your estrogen will be out if control. Gyno "bitch tits" is the least of your worries. You should run clomid or Torem alongside Nolva for pct.
    You will need to increase your calories on the diet in order to sustain the mew muscle or it will all disappear after

  4. #4
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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    I agree with patrick

  5. #5
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I really think you shoulder consider using hcg during the cycle as it will maintain testicular function during your cycle. Hcg will make recovery easier IMO. As stated above an AI during the cycle is very important as well. Eod injects will keep levels steadier but you can get by with pinning e3.5 days. I am not a fan of blends test e or c are better IMO. Good luck bro

  6. #6
    SOcalfresh is offline New Member
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    thanks guys, appreciate the info. I'm open to all suggestions, although this is my order and its already placed so I can't switch to test cyp or e. after doing a bunch of research and knowing people who have tried all the test's I decided to with sust for the compound purposes. also, I can not get HCG although I do want to run it. Its not a matter of choice, I just simply can't get it and don't have another source to get it. After reading a lot about people doing cycles without it i'm not worried, although I will continue looking for a source. I'm still at a crossroad between running armidex the whole time..should I perhaps start a few weeks in? Half the people say don't add a drug that nots needed, and half say be preventive. Obviously the armidex may very well be needed (although the var doesn't aromatize), and I'm leaning towards just running it the whole time like you suggest. I'll pin eOd as well, thanks for suggesting that, it just seemed most people running sust didn't in the research (and the people I know don't) but I don't mind pinning e0d and it seems logical due the prop. i'm a nutrition nut, so I will be sure to adjust calories as necessary, thank you! also, I only have Nolva, but I have extra, is it overly necessary to run Clomid as well or is there more I can do with the Nolva and some OTC products? thanks again for the replies, much appreciated. and I know I should only run test first cycle, but its just a decision i've come to conclusions on. the compounds are quite different and have different side effects for the most part, with different overall effects and timings so I feel I can balance and feel out each one. I'm not trying to ignore advice, and I appreciate it, but when a good deal on Var comes through, and you've been battling to get that hardness and maintain muscle on cuts (and stay shredded on bulks) for years and years its something I'm too excited to add = )

  7. #7
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    You could probably get away with using just Nolva if u ran hcg throughout. I recovered from my first cycle this way. However, its a less than optimal route to take. Without hcg, I don't think Nolva alone will be enough. U can get Torem from ar-r

  8. #8
    SOcalfresh is offline New Member
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    thanks boss, very much appreciated. planning to run torem as listed, open to suggestions:
    Day 1-5 = 120mg Torm
    Day 6-21 = 60mg Torm
    Day 22-28 = 30mg Torm

    Nolva still at 40/40/20/20 or is this overkill due to potency of torem. may just go first week at 40.

  9. #9
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Nov 2011
    Id say leave Nolva at that dose and do Torem at 60mg all 4 weeks

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