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  1. #1
    swolestriker3's Avatar
    swolestriker3 is offline New Member
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    second cycle planning

    Hey guys, planning on my second cycle soon would like some advice from the experienced:

    22 years old
    one 10 wk cycle of test e 400 mgs/week over a year ago
    PCT was nolva and clomid 20/20/20/20 100/50/50/50

    Cycle went great, recovery was smooth. Put on 25 pounds, then started to cut down to 10% a month after PCT.

    Current cycle planned:
    Test e 500 mgs/week 1-12
    Dbol kickstart 30 mgs 1-4
    hcg 500 ius a week 250 ed last week before pct
    hcgenerate es: start halfway into cycle
    arimidex : .5 mg eod
    pct: clomid 50/50/50/50
    nolva 40/40/20/20
    unleashed/post cycle/Daa combo 4-5 weeks
    Bridge right after pct.
    Put on as much lean mass as possible
    Bulking diet: start with 500 cals above maintenance, raise cals accordingly every week. Macro ratio will be close to 40/40/20.

    Let me know what you all think.

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by swolestriker3
    Hey guys, planning on my second cycle soon would like some advice from the experienced:

    22 years old
    one 10 wk cycle of test e 400 mgs/week over a year ago
    PCT was nolva and clomid 20/20/20/20 100/50/50/50

    Cycle went great, recovery was smooth. Put on 25 pounds, then started to cut down to 10% a month after PCT.

    Current cycle planned:
    Test e 500 mgs/week 1-12
    Dbol kickstart 30 mgs 1-4
    hcg 500 ius a week 250 ed last week before pct
    hcgenerate es: start halfway into cycle
    arimidex : .5 mg eod
    pct: clomid 50/50/50/50
    nolva 40/40/20/20
    unleashed/post cycle/Daa combo 4-5 weeks
    Bridge right after pct.
    Put on as much lean mass as possible
    Bulking diet: start with 500 cals above maintenance, raise cals accordingly every week. Macro ratio will be close to 40/40/20.

    Let me know what you all think.
    Looks like you have done your homework. Are you aware if the risks involved with cycling at your age?

  3. #3
    swolestriker3's Avatar
    swolestriker3 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    Looks like you have done your homework. Are you aware if the risks involved with cycling at your age?
    yes, one of my buddies almost talked me into doing a cycle at 19 with zero knowledge but decided against it and train natty for a couple years. I feel after lots of research and weighing the pros and cons it's worth the risk.

  4. #4
    swolestriker3's Avatar
    swolestriker3 is offline New Member
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    btw curious with dbol , I hear once you drop the dbol after using it as a kickstart you lose some waterweight and strength. Assuming one's diet is spot on, how much more strength will you pile on for the rest of the cycle after the large strength increases from dbol?

  5. #5
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swolestriker3
    btw curious with dbol, I hear once you drop the dbol after using it as a kickstart you lose some waterweight and strength. Assuming one's diet is spot on, how much more strength will you pile on for the rest of the cycle after the large strength increases from dbol?
    I am not a fan of dbol . Really all it does is kick start the cycle. Once you discontinue it you will loose almost all the gains you think you have made from it as most is just water retention

  6. #6
    swolestriker3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    I am not a fan of dbol. Really all it does is kick start the cycle. Once you discontinue it you will loose almost all the gains you think you have made from it as most is just water retention
    Even the strength increases will decrease significantly?

  7. #7
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Quote Originally Posted by swolestriker3 View Post
    Even the strength increases will decrease significantly?
    yes but you should be starting to get increased strength from the other compounds

  8. #8
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky.

    yes but you should be starting to get increased strength from the other compounds
    Correct that's why we call it a kickstart

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    22 yrs old and 6'1 with 1 cycle under your belt.And you only weigh 185!Not only are you too young.Your diet is in need of some serious work.I suggest you hit the diet section and have it checked out.

  10. #10
    drake4243's Avatar
    drake4243 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    22 yrs old and 6'1 with 1 cycle under your belt.And you only weigh 185!Not only are you too young.Your diet is in need of some serious work.I suggest you hit the diet section and have it checked out.
    I agree with this 100%, not to be a jerk but 6"1 185 is a joke. You need a proper diet way more than anything else.

  11. #11
    swolestriker3's Avatar
    swolestriker3 is offline New Member
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    I was 225 in January, was just cutting to get to a single digit bf% before the cycle.

  12. #12
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You really went about this wrong.Sounds like you lost all your gains.Build a solid frame then cut.

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