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Thread: First time DNP

  1. #1
    GL88 is offline Junior Member
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    First time DNP

    Hi everyone I need to cut the last 10-15lbs of fat I have left which is all left as belly fat and I want to take DNP to see if that will help me finish this off. I would take the DNP for 20 days at 150-200mgs a day which is pretty low since I don't want any side effects and I might increase to 400mgs at the most later on. I currently take ECA stack and T3 Cytomel and am wondering if I can add the DNP too with those others. I am 5'10 165lbs at a glycogen depleted state, I don't know my weight normal when I'm not glycogen depleted. I know how the diet should be and what additional things I should take with it. Can you guys help me on this thanks.

  2. #2
    ppwc1985's Avatar
    ppwc1985 is offline Productive Member
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    Yes, we can help. Do not not use DNP ! It's not worth it. Head over to our nutrition section and those guys will help you get that last little bit off.

  3. #3
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    DNP = nightmare
    i tried it and was excited and its shit man
    sides are just horrible. sweats. tired. flat muscle. exhaustion. carb craving. diminish cardio . dont want to get out of the bed. its not worth it at alllllll

  4. #4
    BBJT200's Avatar
    BBJT200 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GL88 View Post
    Hi everyone I need to cut the last 10-15lbs of fat I have left which is all left as belly fat and I want to take DNP to see if that will help me finish this off. I would take the DNP for 20 days at 150-200mgs a day which is pretty low since I don't want any side effects and I might increase to 400mgs at the most later on. I currently take ECA stack and T3 Cytomel and am wondering if I can add the DNP too with those others. I am 5'10 165lbs at a glycogen depleted state, I don't know my weight normal when I'm not glycogen depleted. I know how the diet should be and what additional things I should take with it. Can you guys help me on this thanks.
    Does DNP work? Yes.
    Are the side effects pretty nasty? Yes.

    I've used DNP twice. The second time I decided to abort due to nasty (and painful) whole body acne/sores, extreme fatigue, and just generally feeling like shit. I did drop a good amount of fat while on, though. My second run was much worse than my first run.

    Given your situation, I would advise against using DNP. You are what we call skinnyfat; you have little to no muscle mass, and if you seriously have 10-15lbs to lose at 5'10" 165lbs currently...DNP is not a proper choice. You need to learn how to eat properly and lift for a substantial amount of time before you can reasonably even LOOK at DNP.

    Do not use t3 + DNP; I learned this the hard way. DNP is muscle sparing, but t3 is not. The two together will result in dramatic muscle loss, as well as dramatic fat loss...which doesn't really help you at all.

  5. #5
    GL88 is offline Junior Member
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    If I could post pics you would be able to see that I'm not actually skinny fat. I know my stats will make it seem like I am. I have a decent amount of muscle. I'm 165 fully depleted of carbs and so Im sort of dehydrated because no water stored in my muscles along with glycogen right. But if DNPs side effects are that bad then I wouldn't think about it. But any more opinions on it are welcome please.

  6. #6
    carne is offline New Member
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    dnp is great, u just have to know how to dose it

  7. #7
    GL88 is offline Junior Member
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    That is also what I was wondering, if I dose it correctly and keep it sort of to the lower side would it be good then or are the sides still really bad like that

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Make sure you get all your info about DNP before you start. It could be a heart attack waiting to happen.

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Its a poison why even try it when it can kill you, there are far better options out there like hardwork, diet and cardio

  10. #10
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Its a poison why even try it when it can kill you, there are far better options out there like hardwork, diet and cardio
    Well because that's not the easy way Marcus. Didn't you know that bodybuilding is a quick fix sport?

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    Well because that's not the easy way Marcus. Didn't you know that bodybuilding is a quick fix sport?
    well I guess that's the difference between a 25yr and a 45yr old, eventually you find out thee is no quick fix

  12. #12
    GL88 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm not saying that I'm taking it so you guys don't have to start saying these other things like the last two posts. I just wanted to know if there's a safe dose, if its always bad then I wouldn't take it

  13. #13
    GL88 is offline Junior Member
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    Bump. Can you guys let me know if low dosages of dnp are still bad. I'm thinking 150-200mg for 20days

  14. #14
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GL88 View Post
    Bump. Can you guys let me know if low dosages of dnp are still bad. I'm thinking 150-200mg for 20days
    One reason DNP gets so much bad press is it's effective dose compared to a fatal dose isnt far apart.
    DNP burns fat like no other but you must be very advanced IMO and in a really controlled environment.

  15. #15
    GL88 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks. What do you mean controlled environment? And the 150-200mg may be fairly effective right? From what I know it's far from any dose with noticeable side effects

  16. #16
    HitIt's Avatar
    HitIt is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    fuuuuuuuck thaaaaaaaaat shiiiiiiiiiiiiit

  17. #17
    Giggle's Avatar
    Giggle is offline Female Member
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    Listen - the others tried to tell you and you won't listen. I just wanted to tell you to pay attention - this is bad stuff.
    Why don't you try it the regular way with diet and cardio.
    The funny thing is if you're planning to run the DNP for 20 days, you could lose the weight the old fashioned way in the same time period!

  18. #18
    GL88 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm just trying to get fully detailed answers to my questions because most of the time people would assume I'm going to take 400-800mg that's why I asked again. I'm not going to be taking dnp I'm just going to keep going the way I am. But i know I won't be able to lose 15-20lbs of fat in 20 days lol.

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