Hi guys, i would like some advices for my next bulking cycle. I am 27 yrs old 185 cm x 92 kg 12%. For my 2 cycle i have been followed by a PT but gathering information about steroid and pct i know that my cycle sucked bad with stack and dosage, anyway i ran this compound. 1 cycle: deca ,test c and equi at 200mg each 1x week.... second was: deca,susta,tren 200mg each 1 x week , both cycle lasted 6 week, and with no proper PCT. Now that i know something more about steroids , i wanna plan a good next cycle by myself. Can u help me to adjust this pls?

So the cycle would be:

Week 1/12: 500 mg Susta or Test E (Depends on what i can gather) anyway both are Pharma Grade.
Week 1/4: 40mg Dianabol or Anadrol (Depends on what i can gather)
Week 1/11: 300mg Deca.
Week 1/14: 500 UI HCG (divided in 2 shot of 250 ui).
Week 15/18: 100/50/50/50 Clomid and 40/40/20/20 Nolvadex
Week 1/14: 0.25 mg EoD Arimidex , adjust to 0.50 if needed.

What do u think about this cycle and PCT, would u change anythings? And i ve a doubt, can i run HCG for 14 week straight or maybe i need to go off some week in the middle of cycle?
Thank in advance for the help.