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  1. #1
    Irish403 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2013

    Unhappy Best advice for my brother?

    Hi everyone,

    My brother (35 years old) has worked out for a number of years without ever researching anything. I have to say that he's kept his bf very low and looked in good shape. He hated school and likens researching anything to that hate, therefore I try to pass info on to him (usually to deaf ears). He works as a bartender and regularly drinks (customers buying him shots).
    About seven months ago he started taking Anavar (approx. 75mgs/d split in two). Did it for several months without any proper diet (eating pub food all the time) and six weeks ago he decided to get some test. His/our friend is reliable as is the ugl (Boss). He started with a bottle of sust 350 (test e is substituted for the deca at 200mg) and actually frontloaded without even knowing what that was, pinning twice the 1st week with 1.5 cc's for a total of 1050mgs. Since then he's pinning twice weekly at 1cc (sometimes still 1.5cc) and has swiched over to test 400 (another blend with deca and a short ester I believe). He knows nothing about OCT/PCT or even the conversion of excess test to estrogen. He was actually under 150lbs prior to starting aas and is now around 160lbs (i'm prepared for the flaming). He's definitely put on muscle and it shows. Psychologically, I'm not sure he'll ever want to come off. He's also a cancer survivor and is in love with the strength and muscle gains.
    Last week (5th week on) he started to complain of loss of drive. I warned him about the possibility of aromatization, but the other factors of a horrible diet, low h2o intake and drinking almost every night are guaranteed to be in play. I re-iterated the need for oct/pct and to get some arimidex , novaldex/clomid. So, now he's in week six and has all the signs (I believe) of aromatization: loss of appetite, loss of drive, ed, possible suicidal thoughts (he says he would never do it but he feels like he wants to jump off a roof). He's going to see the man tom. who I think will give him femora.
    I've advised him to at least take a week off but he's got it in his head that he should pin again (ahead of sched). I told him I think it's a bad idea if aromatization is occurring.

    So, summing it up: He won't stop aas. His diet will remain horrible. He'll keep drinking to the point of drunkenness for the majority of each week. H2O intake is way low. How can I best get him straightened up? The arimidex, femora or whatever anti aromatase can slow down the coversion but I believe it's already happening to a large degree. The nolvadex /clomid can compete at the receptor level with the there any possiblitly of using a combo?

    Apologies for the long post, I value your opinions. I can't just beat him into stopping.

  2. #2
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    If he isn't willing to educate himself, there is nothing you (or we) can do.
    He'll just keep being a dumbass until ending up in the ER with jaundice or cholecystitis scares him away from steroids entirely.

    Short of that, he just needs to stop, run a full PCT, and educate himself and clean up his lifestyle before trying again.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    He won't stop until it hurts him. Sorry you have to watch and see the events unfold. Help him when he's ready to listen.

  4. #4
    Irish403 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for your time. I think he needs to be made aware of all the repercussions that can (and most probably will) happen due to his misuse is the only way to go.

    I did find a medical article about a 50 year old non-athlete on an 8 week course of d-bol who continued to drink heavily intermittently and on the weekends who developed acute renal failure (although he also had untreated hep-c) and moderately acute severe cholestasis. They had trouble in diagnosing (acct he was not forthcoming about his aas use) and had originally thought it was pancreatitis.

    Thanks Bonaparte for mentioning a couple of ramifications.

    If anyone else can add to my list of what else he can expect to happen in the coming weeks/months maybe I can talk some sense into him. I already know now that with the cholestasis, he can die if untreated. He also won't go to the doctor for blood tests or to talk about what he's doing. I don't want to see him end up in the hospital saying he should have listened to me a long time ago. (Forgot to top it off he's also a smoker)

  5. #5
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    He will have to bottom first before he will change what he's doing. All you can do is stick by him and don't give up.

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