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  1. #1
    drake4243's Avatar
    drake4243 is offline Member
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    Next deca run please critique if needed and knowledgeable thanks guys

    I won’t be running this for about 5 months but will be getting everything soon. Please critique if needed( no suggestion for your personal preference) just critiques if you see something you feel is wrong or if it looks gtg thanks alot.

    I have run pretty much all of your basic cycles with these test E, C, P, Tren , Deca , Mast.
    Age 28
    Height 5’8
    Weight 230lbs
    BF 12%

    This cycle will be

    Test C 1-14 - 500mg per week 2 pokes 3.5 days apart
    Deca – 1-14 - 500mg per week 1 Poke a week
    Test P – 14-18 – 150mg EOD
    HCG -1-18 250ius twice a week
    Adex - 1-18- .50 EOD
    Primi – 1-18 - .50 ED

    PCT Nolva 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50

    That’s it my last Deca run was with a different brand I can still get that stuff but I really like the quality of my new stuff. The only difference from my last run was before I ran the test a 600mg and now I am only going 500mg but I can’t see how that would matter any. My old stuff was a higher mg per ml but like I said new stuff is better. Does this look good or would you change something vets especially. Thanks for your time guys.

  2. #2
    drake4243's Avatar
    drake4243 is offline Member
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  3. #3
    drake4243's Avatar
    drake4243 is offline Member
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    And clearly I misspelled prami. Though I am sure you noticed that’s what primi was supposed to be. So does this look gtg to everyone?

  4. #4
    mikey hulk's Avatar
    mikey hulk is offline Member
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    Shut the deca down a week or two before test to clear out

  5. #5
    GymHero's Avatar
    GymHero is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by drake4243 View Post
    I won’t be running this for about 5 months but will be getting everything soon. Please critique if needed( no suggestion for your personal preference) just critiques if you see something you feel is wrong or if it looks gtg thanks alot.

    I have run pretty much all of your basic cycles with these test E, C, P, Tren , Deca , Mast.
    Age 28
    Height 5’8
    Weight 230lbs
    BF 12%

    This cycle will be

    Test C 1-14 - 500mg per week 2 pokes 3.5 days apart ( Just run this until week 16 forgot prop )
    Deca – 1-14 - 500mg per week 1 Poke a week ( do 2 shots instead of 1 )
    Test P – 14-18 – 150mg EOD ( No need )
    HCG -1-18 250ius twice a week ( stop at week 16 )
    Adex - 1-18- .50 EOD ( Adjust as needed, .5 eod may crash you but im sure you know your body after all your history? )
    Primi – 1-18 - .50 ED ( Start at .25 and take before bed )

    PCT Nolva 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50 ( I always recommend toremifine over clomid but pct looks fine )

    That’s it my last Deca run was with a different brand I can still get that stuff but I really like the quality of my new stuff. The only difference from my last run was before I ran the test a 600mg and now I am only going 500mg but I can’t see how that would matter any. My old stuff was a higher mg per ml but like I said new stuff is better. Does this look good or would you change something vets especially. Thanks for your time guys.
    In bold ^^^.

  6. #6
    drake4243's Avatar
    drake4243 is offline Member
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    GYM Hero thanks Sounds good the only problem i have is i have the prop on hand already it is the only thing i dont need to buy so instead of getting more Test C i could just run the prop that way right? Test is Test so running that for 4 weeks will give the Deca the same time to clear out before PCT right?
    Last edited by drake4243; 07-26-2013 at 07:52 PM. Reason: spelling

  7. #7
    drake4243's Avatar
    drake4243 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikey hulk View Post
    Shut the deca down a week or two before test to clear out
    What ? i am running the test 4 weeks longer than the deca . I stop c and switch to P. But thanks

  8. #8
    spiralkut is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2011
    you could always just lower the Test C for the first 4 weeks and run the prop 1-4 so you get a kickstart in, that will also let you have probably 3 weeks longer for the test C over the deca

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