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Thread: Super test 400 dbol 50 mg a day new to juice

  1. #1
    Hale yeah is offline New Member
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    Super test 400 dbol 50 mg a day new to juice

    Hello everyone.

    Ok I'm 5"8 I am about 185 pounds. I take in 300 grams of protein on most days . I eat good food I eat bad food but work out hard. I've only been doing this 3 weeks, I take 1 cc super test 400 on Sundays and Thursdays . I've been taking 50 mg of dbol for a week and half. I maxed out on bench at 215 . Is what I'm taking to much or should I get some deca or tren ? What kind of gains can I expect with hard work and what I'm using?

  2. #2
    ksingh93's Avatar
    ksingh93 is offline Associate Member
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    Bf% training experience?

  3. #3
    Hale yeah is offline New Member
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    I dunno bf% to be honest I don't even know how to find out. As far as weightlifting goes ive worked out off and on since I started high school I've only been working out steady for the last few month.the guy I work out with us a monster he's 240 benching 525 he is teaching me the right ways tow work out as hard as my body will let me.
    Last edited by Hale yeah; 08-06-2013 at 08:28 PM.

  4. #4
    ksingh93's Avatar
    ksingh93 is offline Associate Member
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	body-fat-percentage-men.jpg 
Views:	12176 
Size:	55.7 KB 
ID:	142476 ur guess about bf %

  5. #5
    Hale yeah is offline New Member
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    20% maybe less

  6. #6
    ksingh93's Avatar
    ksingh93 is offline Associate Member
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    You need to get down to 15 % before starting a cycle. Your diet is not in check . And for the training part u need to have atleast 2 year of solid training under your belt before starting cycle . You should stop the cycle because you ll only hold alot of water and ll get the sides from high estrogen. You didnt mentioned any a.i and the pct ? I ll suggest you to post your diet in the nutrition forum and get it right first

  7. #7
    Hale yeah is offline New Member
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    Thank for the advice but I'm not going to stop. I have clomid and novadex for pct and something else in not sure what its called. I'm not try to be ripped to prices just really big and powerful.

  8. #8
    ksingh93's Avatar
    ksingh93 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hale yeah View Post
    thank for the advice but i'm not going to stop. I have clomid and novadex for pct and something else in not sure what its called. I'm not try to be ripped to prices just really big and powerful.
    good luck

  9. #9
    tdoe11's Avatar
    tdoe11 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hale yeah
    Thank for the advice but I'm not going to stop. I have clomid and novadex for pct and something else in not sure what its called. I'm not try to be ripped to prices just really big and powerful.
    If this is your first cycle and your gear is GTG you are on a pretty heavy cycle. People usually start with a lower dose because that is all your body needs to grow like a weed. Lower at first then grow into your dose and keep getting bigger. 800mg a week + 350 a week dbol is 1150mgs of anabolics a week. Absolutely not needed for a first cycle, less than half of that would make you grow like crazy. Will you grow. For sure dude. Your gonna be jacked. Will you have more side effects, yep. Good luck. Keep your eye on your blood pressure and do a solid PCT

  10. #10
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hale yeah View Post
    Thank for the advice but I'm not going to stop. I have clomid and novadex for pct and something else in not sure what its called. I'm not try to be ripped to prices just really big and powerful.
    I will not bash you. But the truth is you don't have a clue as to what you are doing. I can't believe you say you have something else but don't know what it is. That's nuts. Where is your AI and how log are you running this.
    At your level you will fill up with water and some fat tissue only to loose it post cycle.
    As was said all you needed for your cycle was Test. Do you know what esters are in your Test 400. Dbol is going to send your estrogen through the roof. Do you even know what that is ? That's just the beginning.

    So what you are doing is working out hard with no diet plan and taking some anabolic steroid and other stuff and you have no clue, but someone told you this was good ?? .. Please do some research so you don't hurt your system and waste your money and energy. ...crazy mike
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  11. #11
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    Dude 800mg of test for first cycle!! Hell no!!

    Reduce it to 0.5cc(200mg) twice a week.
    Flacco likes this.

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