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  1. #1
    flyguy6661 is offline Member
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    dedicate a 6 week cycle only doing arms ????

    okay so my arms lag very much, back,pecs,legs grown nicely so i was thinking would it be bad to do a 6 week cycle which would be my 4th of prop,tren a and literally just train arms and nothing else to try make them grow ? monday tri's tuesday bi's wednesday off then repeat ? would this work in help making them grow and then after cycle train as normal ?

  2. #2
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    What is your work out look like now?

    Bicep and triceps are muscles you can easily over train and hinder growth.

  3. #3
    Black's Avatar
    Black is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think it's a terrible idea to stop training your other muscles.

    I'd attack lagging parts from all angles. My calves were lacking, so for a month, I hit calves at the beginning of every workout, utilizing high volume and high reps (no less than 15 each set). Brought them up nicely.

    Hit all muscle fibers. For triceps, do heavy 6 rep sets on close-grip. Then 12 rep sets on overhead dumbbell extensions. And finally, bust out 20 rep sets on pull-downs.

  4. #4
    JinNtonic's Avatar
    JinNtonic is offline Member
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    You can focus on them more, but I wouldn't stop training everything else.

  5. #5
    Cuz's Avatar
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    I promise you skull crushers will build your tri's the best, its total arm development. Long head, medial, and short are all combined. Makes a nice looking long head to boot. Heavy as possible. For growth , bicep barbell curls and preacher curls is all you need. Trust me, my arms went from 13.5 flexed to 18" pumped/flexed in a matter of 6 months with hardly any aas at all. Eat, and do not stop working your other muscles when you go on this cycle, at least hit the other groups, your main focus can be your arms tho.

  6. #6
    DeadlyD's Avatar
    DeadlyD is offline Anabolic Member
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    In my opinion the best way to build mass for bis and tris is your heavy pushing and pulling movements, like weighted dips, reverse grip weighted chin ups, with light weight movements like curls, its easy to over train.

  7. #7
    DeadlyD's Avatar
    DeadlyD is offline Anabolic Member
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    Also doing a cycle just for arms is ridiculous!

  8. #8
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    If I were to do that Mon-Tues would be very heavy and Thurs -Fri would be intense but not as heavy. Since you can train these two so easily and controlled intense training you must know where the limit is for you. As was said, be careful to not over train them. You should be aware of this, listen to your body and as you said you will keep training other parts.

    This is where true bodybuilding come into it's concept. We build our muscle , paying attention to symmetry and working body parts that are lagging. Change it, mix it up, heavy
    light. Work both fast twitch and slow twitch. 4-6 heavy reps and 8-15 lighter weight (not to light now. Good luck. ...crazy mike

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Your probably over training your arms, but I wouldn't recommend only training arms for 6 weeks.

    Post your whole routine.

  10. #10
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadlyD View Post
    Also doing a cycle just for arms is ridiculous!
    This is wrong advice. We do what we have to do to keep our body symmetrical. If we have lagging parts and you have been doing mass building exercises the thing to do to get one or more going further and to catch up is focus, give it more work consistently using exercises and supplement to aide in the development. When using aas your recovery is better. What better time is there to be able to hit harder and more frequently a muscle or two. That's what we do...BB ing. ...crazy mike

    PS: guys he is going to train his other parts. He just wants to add more training for a while on his arms I think. This is how I brought out some body part when I needed. BUT YES you have to know limits and overtraining.
    Last edited by crazy mike; 08-10-2013 at 09:55 AM.

  11. #11
    flyguy6661 is offline Member
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    would doing bicep/tricep monday then tuesday rest then wednesday same be too much ????

  12. #12
    flyguy6661 is offline Member
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    and yes my arm's are 15inched and lagging, ideally would like then 17/18 inches

  13. #13
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyguy6661 View Post
    would doing bicep/tricep monday then tuesday rest then wednesday same be too much ????
    yes it would be way to much.....


  14. #14
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Marcus and others, my concept has worked for me. That's why I posted what I said. However you have to know your body very well after some years of training so as not to over train. That's why I mention heavy low reps with a consistent hardening in mind as well as brining out the striations of the muscle in question.
    Since what I am saying is advanced in knowing what one can do with his body, I will back out Marcus and let you work this. I don't want to get into a situation of confusion and you have proven to be more of a specialist in training routines. ...crazy mike

  15. #15
    flyguy6661 is offline Member
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    is there a chance my arms might not get past 15 inches even with aas and good diet and training ?????

  16. #16
    kloter1's Avatar
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    If you feed them they will grow. Im an ectomorph and i thought the same thing for years. Until I ate madd calories everyday did I see a complete turn around in my arm development. I think i was over training them too.

    To dissect it a little further post up your normal week routine.

  17. #17
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    OP you asked a Question and Marcus and others ask for a look into your routine so they can critique it but you are not telling. If you have Marcus's attention I would surely take advantage of his help. ....crazy mike

  18. #18
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    I have had a hard time getting mine to grow because I feel it too much in my forearms. Are you getting big pumps in your biceps and triceps? Form could be an issue as well
    Last edited by OnTheSauce; 08-10-2013 at 11:21 AM.

  19. #19
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyguy6661 View Post
    is there a chance my arms might not get past 15 inches even with aas and good diet and training ?????
    Can you not read?

  20. #20
    ChestNBack's Avatar
    ChestNBack is offline Associate Member
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    OP weather a cycle was involved or not just training arms only for 6 weeks is the dumbest shit i ever heard. Train arms twice a week and everything else once a week. If u want go light on all other body parts to get them more defined for the next few weeks while u go heavy on arms

  21. #21
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChestNBack View Post
    OP weather a cycle was involved or not just training arms only for 6 weeks is the dumbest shit i ever heard. Train arms twice a week and everything else once a week. If u want go light on all other body parts to get them more defined for the next few weeks while u go heavy on arms
    This is more of what I was referring to when I said more workout for arms or a lagging body part. I have focused on some part by working it three times. But as I said you have to know what you are doing so you don't over train. ...crazy mike

  22. #22
    spiralkut is offline Associate Member
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    This is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard, If you haven't heard of this before well then now you know. RULE OF THUMB NEVER TRAIN A MUSCLE THAT STILL HAS DOMS. As others have said that's called over training and will stop your gains, and you will more then likely lose strength. I also find it very hard that your arms are lacking the most, if this is the case stop being lazy and only training 1 muscle group a day, its pretty easy to do Tri's after legs or Bi's after Chest etc etc.

    EDIT training Biceps and Triceps on the same day is a waste of a gym day.

  23. #23
    Jayprice's Avatar
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    I've always had difficulty getting my chest to grow so all I did was add another chest day to the week. Now it's growing fine. Don't stop hitting your other muscles. If you really want the wiser more experienced guys to respond, then post your routine!

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