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Thread: Simple goals but lots of restrictions - any advice is appreciated

  1. #1
    SimpleGoals is offline New Member
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    Simple goals but lots of restrictions - any advice is appreciated

    Hi Everyone!
    This is my first post. Let me begin by saying that I have spent time researching the forum before asking my question - I haven't seen anyone in quite the same situation as me yet.

    I'll start with my goals, but please read the entire post before replying.
    My primary goal is to lose some fat - about 15 pounds. I don't want to get huge, my goal is not to be a bodybuilder. Ideally, I wish I looked like Wolverine but I'd be more than happy to look like one of the guys from Top Gun. I also want to improve the functioning of the muscles in my upper back and neck. You're probably already wanting to say "proper diet and cardio - list what you eat and what are your macros". However, let me explain the difficulties I'm facing...

    I have chronic cartilage issues in my knees - 20 minutes on a stair stepper will leave me crippled for about 8 weeks or more. Biking, squats and any other exercise that involve deep knee bending or one legged actions are pretty much out. That makes cardio a difficult thing.

    I also have a very busy job that frequently has me working 7 days a week for up to 16 hours a day. I get to the gym at lunchtime but my time is limited to 30 minutes. Apart from my day job, I have an outside project that also keeps me quite busy and I have 4 kids, so you can imagine that I'm pretty busy and I don't get a whole lot of sleep.

    In addition, I have some issues with the nerves in my back due to an old injury that prevents me from using my back and neck muscles efficiently - they function at about 20% capacity. I can still perform most actions but other muscles have to take most of the burden - like my shoulders and lower back.

    I'm in pretty good shape overall - I'm lucky with my genetics - I'm a mesomorph, I gain muscle fairly easily and retain it well. However, I'm 46 years old, so it's not as easy to make gains as it used to be. My lifestyle isn't going to get any easier, so I'm never going to be able to eat and exercise like a pro athlete or bodybuilder. I'm tired of having that extra 15 pounds, though and at this point, I don't mind cheating to get rid of it. I have never taken any kind of steroids before but I'm willing to try them out.

    As I said, I don't want to make big muscle gains - fat loss is my main goal. With all that in mind, can someone please give me some recommendations on what I should try - the safer, the better.

    Thanks for your time and advice.
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  2. #2
    Fcarey32's Avatar
    Fcarey32 is offline Associate Member
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    But given your circumstances, that's your one and only option. No anabolics will help you. Maybe low dosages of clen or albuterol. I also highly recommend austinites fat loss protocol. See you in the nutrition section.

  3. #3
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Diet is your only option. Head to the nutrition section.

    ^^^Like said above Austinites fat loss thread.
    Last edited by Capebuffalo; 08-10-2013 at 07:46 PM.

  4. #4
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Can you do any form of cardio like biking?

    What exercises can you do?
    Red Bastard likes this.

  5. #5
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    If you can't exercise properly, just clean up your diet and cut out any junk.
    Steroids are not good for fat loss.

  6. #6
    evander87's Avatar
    evander87 is offline Senior Member
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    Eat meticulous, train ridiculous for best results.

  7. #7
    V-ROID's Avatar
    V-ROID is offline Member
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    Take the lazy way out (like me) and get a Far Infrared Sauna.

    "Weight loss from perspiration is quickly regained. However, being in a hyperthermic state due to the increased core body temperature increases blood circulation, especially to the capillaries, converts fat and increases heart rate. It is possible to burn 300 - 600 calories in a single session in an infrared sauna. Some infrared sauna proponents claim that a 30 minute sauna session is equivalent to jogging or rowing for thirty minutes."

    I use it mainly in winter but 30-45 minutes at 130-140F leaves me exhausted!

    First link I googled: FAR Infrared Sauna FAQ Frequently Asked Questions } FAR Infrared Saunas Los Angeles

  8. #8
    SimpleGoals is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys! This is very helpful!
    I will be joining you in the Nutrition Forum. :')
    As for what cardio I can do, I have been using a piece of equipment that looks like bike pedals but you use your hands to turn it. When my knee heals, I can do some running but not very far or very intensely - fast walking is better for my knee and better for fat loss (so I hear). I can't use a bike or anything that is a stepping sort of action, unfortunately.

    I'll investigate the Far Infrared Sauna idea, thanks for that.

    I wasn't sure what steroids could do for fat loss - my only real info on that was from a guy at my gym that pointed out this forum to me. He claimed that the fat just melted off of him. He's using Test with some other steroid that I can't recall. However, he's way more muscular than I want to become and his fat loss may be due more to the fact that he works out more intensely while on steroids or that he's more careful with his diet while on a cycle. The mere fact that he had fat to lose when starting a cycle makes me think that he puts on weight when not on a cycle, so he may let his diet slip...

    Time to go educate myself in the Nutrition Forum. :'D

  9. #9
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm just going to focus on the bolded section, as this seems to be a major constraint on you.

    First, I'd highly recommend taking MSM - 5 grams a day forever. This sulfuric based compound is very safe, very inexpensive (5lbs for only $34), and it primarily does two things:

    1) helps improve collagen synthesis, and...
    2) it is a mild anti inflamatory

    so it actually helps regrow new cartilage. however, it is a slow process, and it will be at least a month before you will find some relief from joint/knee pain. I've been taking MSM for over 15 years, and will do so the rest of my life.

    read more about MSM (from WebMD):

    MSM (METHYLSULFONYLMETHANE: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings - WebMD)


    Hyaluronan Injections, it's like a lube job for the knee.

    read about my log here:


    Click on the link in my signature to learn and read about TB500. It is a healing peptide, and works well.

    Today, I'm basically pain free in both knees. What a turnaround compared to a couple of years ago when my knees hurt so bad the muscles were atrophying.

    Let me know if any questions, and good luck!


    Quote Originally Posted by SimpleGoals View Post
    Hi Everyone!
    This is my first post. Let me begin by saying that I have spent time researching the forum before asking my question - I haven't seen anyone in quite the same situation as me yet.

    I'll start with my goals, but please read the entire post before replying.
    My primary goal is to lose some fat - about 15 pounds. I don't want to get huge, my goal is not to be a bodybuilder. Ideally, I wish I looked like Wolverine but I'd be more than happy to look like one of the guys from Top Gun. I also want to improve the functioning of the muscles in my upper back and neck. You're probably already wanting to say "proper diet and cardio - list what you eat and what are your macros". However, let me explain the difficulties I'm facing...

    I have chronic cartilage issues in my knees - 20 minutes on a stair stepper will leave me crippled for about 8 weeks or more. Biking, squats and any other exercise that involve deep knee bending or one legged actions are pretty much out. That makes cardio a difficult thing.

    I also have a very busy job that frequently has me working 7 days a week for up to 16 hours a day. I get to the gym at lunchtime but my time is limited to 30 minutes. Apart from my day job, I have an outside project that also keeps me quite busy and I have 4 kids, so you can imagine that I'm pretty busy and I don't get a whole lot of sleep.

    In addition, I have some issues with the nerves in my back due to an old injury that prevents me from using my back and neck muscles efficiently - they function at about 20% capacity. I can still perform most actions but other muscles have to take most of the burden - like my shoulders and lower back.

    I'm in pretty good shape overall - I'm lucky with my genetics - I'm a mesomorph, I gain muscle fairly easily and retain it well. However, I'm 46 years old, so it's not as easy to make gains as it used to be. My lifestyle isn't going to get any easier, so I'm never going to be able to eat and exercise like a pro athlete or bodybuilder. I'm tired of having that extra 15 pounds, though and at this point, I don't mind cheating to get rid of it. I have never taken any kind of steroids before but I'm willing to try them out.

    As I said, I don't want to make big muscle gains - fat loss is my main goal. With all that in mind, can someone please give me some recommendations on what I should try - the safer, the better.

    Thanks for your time and advice.
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  10. #10
    SimpleGoals is offline New Member
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    That was a great video! He has a lot more wrong with him than I do. I should stop listening to doctors telling me that I will "never" do certain things again.

  11. #11
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimpleGoals View Post
    That was a great video! He has a lot more wrong with him than I do. I should stop listening to doctors telling me that I will "never" do certain things again.
    most doctors are usually not very creative, and just rely on what they were taught in medical school. I think many underestimate the healing powers of the body, especially when the host is very determined.

  12. #12
    SimpleGoals is offline New Member
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    Thanks TNR! I read through some of your threads a couple of days ago, so I already read about the TB500. I hope it works for me too.
    I have been taking Glucosamine for my cartilage - the liquid kind really seems to have helped a lot with most of my cartilage problems but I have to take it constantly or they recur, it seems. (I broke the cartilage at the bottom of my ribs on both sides years ago doing Kenpo Karate and I tore up my right shoulder too.) My knee doesn't seem to respond as well to the glucosamine, possibly because it's always under stress. It seems that my glucosamine comes with MSM. Mine has:
    2000 mg of glucosamine
    1200 mg of Chondroitin
    500 mg MSM
    It's from Wellesse (I buy it at Costco) Should I be using more MSM than that?

  13. #13
    SimpleGoals is offline New Member
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    Sorry, I meant Times Roman, or TR - I fell into "font mode" and called you Times New Roman...

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