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  1. #1
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Lube job for my knee (Hyaluronan Injections)

    Anyone had any luck with getting a lube job for their knee?

    I've been gobbling 5 grams MSM / day for 15 years, and have more or less kept the boogeyman away, until recently. Sitting here with a knee brace on my left, recalling a conversation with a specialist recently. Kaiser will not prescribe the injection until after a single cortisone shot. Not happy about cortisone, but if that is the qualifier to get me into the race, then so be it.

    I would like to find out what you experienced when you had the lube job on your knee?

  2. #2
    inevitable's Avatar
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    Alflutops... best thing in the world! and the 100% natural. Just ran a 30day cycle 1amp/day works wonders. Left leg is reconstructed from the knee down and i cant tell you how much of a difference this stuff makes. if you need more info PM me.

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
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  4. #4
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    from reading a lot of people who tried Alfutops also used and like Adequan even better.

  5. #5
    upperhandy is offline Member
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    am using adequan with some good results so far.... only 3 of 8 pins so far (twice a week for 4 weeks) 125mg per pin (i am 205#)

    keep an eye on my post... i will try to update it as i progress
    Adequan protocol

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Had my first (of three) injection(s) today. Relatively painless. No exercising the legs for two days.

    BTW... did NOT have to take the cortisone shot first, as my GP originally stated.

  7. #7
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Going in for my second injection on the left knee, decided to do the right knee today as well. it's been an entire week without a knee brace, and the throbbing pain at night that has prevented me from getting a decent nights sleep seems to be gone for the moment.

  8. #8
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Had my third and final injection on left knee, second injection on right knee yesterday. Still relatively pain free, no knee brace, able to sleep through the night.

    My left leg has atrophied. Doing some light leg presses. Left leg has lost a lot of strength in the 4 months of rehab. I have my work cut out for me.

    I'm investigating oral HA right now. Found 100gms for $100. if dose = 25mg, that would be 4,000 doses. Might up it to 50mgs, and find a 1/16tsp scooper instead of all the capping. I'll weigh it out to confirm the weight of a 1/16 tsp, but if close, I'll just go with that.

  9. #9
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Thanks for the update. Keep it up, sounds promising.

  10. #10
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Finished all three injections for both knees. It seems the knee is now stabilized, little pain. Been slowly working on leg presses, and I was really surprised in a bad way how much strength I've lost on the left side in the 4 months I've been having problems. But no pain under load of light weight, which is a real good thing.

    Next, I'm going to be taking HA orally, as this method has substantial anecdotal evidence that it works for all joints when taking orally.

  11. #11
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Here lately, both my knees have picked up a low grade background pain. Haven't started the oral HA yet

  12. #12
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    ugly bump for an ugly bull like me

  13. #13
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    What's the update?

  14. #14
    Leroy Jenkins is offline Junior Member
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    I had my 3rd shot recently. It took a few days after my 3rd shot before I felt relief. Not 100% by any means but worth the discomfort of the shots.

    Checking with a doctor and my insurance now for Prolotherapy. Injecting the cartilage with HGH and some other substances is showing to re-grow tissue. Expensive but my other alternative is surgery.

  15. #15
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Recently concluded my third annual, three in a series knee injections. It's easy to forget how it was in the past. But looking back at this thread, and remembering the pain, there has been much improvement due to the knee injections. I don't wait for 12 months to elapse. I wait for the back ground pain to rear it's ugly head, and then start up with the injections again.

    March 2012 i had my knee scoped. There was an actual blister where a bone spur was scraping tissue/cartiledge, and formed a dime sized blister internally. So the procedure remedied that and now I am back to 95%.

    Additionally, I've ran a trial of a peptide called TB-500, a healing peptide, and you can find my journal here:
    although i didn't specifically track knee pain due to recent knee injections throwing off the results, i suspect i would have appreciated some relief there to, if no knee injections.

    All in all, I highly recommend the knee injections for anyone with troubling knees. They can be a little painful, but manageable.

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  17. #17
    SimpleGoals is offline New Member
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    I've had prolotherapy several times for tendon injuries and it was fantastic. I lived with half healed tendons in my shoulder and back for decades, yet the prolo was able to restart the healing process. It does not seem to help with cartilage injuries however - it had zero success with my knee (meniscus) problem.

  18. #18
    David LoPan's Avatar
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    Have you tired using KT tape? I personally like the product and it has worked well for me with my knees.

  19. #19
    EverettCD's Avatar
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    TR, what was your original knee injury? I am looking into some of these options for my knees, my left only has about 1/2 - 1/4 of the meniscus remaining after being "cleaned up" in surgery post injury.

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