So I've been reading up and I'm trying to dream up a very mild cycle, I'm on TRT, 100 test-c per week keeps me right around 700, all other blood specs are in the green so it's a good maintenance dose for me.

When I went from low T to my levels now, I noticed a boost in the gym, I'm able to gain lean muscle mass when I couldn't before, and I'm building muscle a tiny bit faster than my gym partner.

The bad news? I'm acne prone, bad, even with low T my ass still had acne, I've had it all my life, I have an extensive skin care regimen just to keep a normal complexion, it's always been a part of my life so no big deal.

For a first cycle, I'm looking for extremely mild partially to see what my skin does, I'm also looking for slow but steady gains, nothing too crazy, so here is my idea.

Up my test-c, from 50 twice per week to 100 twice per week (total 200)

Then 10mg of Tren Ace (yes, just 10) drawn up on top of the test-c so 10mg twice per week for total of 20mg per week

Then deca 10mg per draw up

Totals per week would be
200mg test C
20mg tren ace
20mg deca
(insert AI here, not sure what to take or how much right now)

10 weeks, then for PCT just continue anti estrogen for 3 weeks and go back to my 100 test-c per week of my maintenance T

I know that's very mild, but that is what I'm after, it lets me put my feelers out for side effects, and I assume I would get a boost, although minor.

I'm not sure what to do for an anti estrogen since those doses are so low I'm assuming estrogen won't be much of a problem, but I don't want to risk it, I'd want some kind of anti estrogen.

thoughts? I figure if my body tolerates it extremely well I can slowly start to ratchet things up vs going big out of the gates then trying to back peddle because I don't tolerate tren well or something.