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  1. #1
    thestig220 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2012

    How long until I can discontinue Prami for prolactin control??

    Just to give a little background, I started my first cycle with epistane last July for 4 weeks at 10/20/30/40, followed by 3 weeks of nolvadex . Took a bit to feel better, but eventually started another cycle in January of this year. I took Havoc at 20/30/40/50 and trenazone at at 1/1/1. I did 3 weeks of nolvadex again. Nothing ever really came back, I got a blood test a few months later and it showed me at 300 on a scale of 200-800. I decided to try a clomid restart with HCGenerate at 25mg a day for 4 weeks, I have had a blood test done about a week ago, a little more than a month and a half since the restart stopped. my blood result came back as this:

    test: 489 range 250-1100
    free test: 83 range 46-224
    TSH: 1.9 range .27 to 4.2
    Prolactin: 19.38 range 4-15.2

    I had an mri, no prolactinoma... I was curious, what could be causing the prolactin sides then? Is it possible for high prolactin to exist months after taking a 19nor? The prami is working wonders. My erections are coming back, and I am finally taking it without getting sick at .50 mg daily. I do not want to take this shit forever though. How long should I run it for, and is there any such thing as prolactin rebound? Also, could my estro be high thus causing the prolactin?

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Till you're in the lower range.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

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