Finished my first cycle, wrapping up my pct.

250 test
400 eq
x 8 weeks

Was supposed to go ten but my vials were a ml short. I learned a lot from this cycle and it got me excited for the future. Some people told me this cycle was a waste of time but boy did I get a lot of attention from the ladies. I work in healthcare (mostly women) and EVERY SINGLE DAY i got comments like wow- you're really bulking up- I could feel all the looks and sometimes as many as three in a day saying something.

Now I'm 208 or so in the evenings, almost done with pct and starting to plan my next cycle. Kinda embarrased to admit it but I didn't do very well on cycle. I exercised a lot (and right- olympic lifting and lots of solid compound stuff) but I drank beer every night.

Now I'm ready to stop the booze (already have for ten days.) My next cyle, I want to get big but be very lean at the same time. I'm fairly lean now but I feel like the test gave me a bit of a larger belly ( still have a six pack but my waist is bigger- my pants are tighter around the waist.)

I was thinking of a shorter length tren cycle but I'm wondering if I'd be better off exploring with something less risky. Please give me your thoughts on how to roll next cycle.

Don't flame me for drinking all cycle- I realize how dumb it was and I'm excited to see what happens when I don't!

My diet is pretty good- lean and lots of cruciferous vegetables.

Dosages and length of cycle appreciated!