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  1. #1
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Whats happening in the brain

    Was prescribed clomid in late June. My T was in the 300s in April/May after taking a product containing only 10 mg of epistane for a week. Seems pretty minor right? T went up to 600 on its own in June before clomid. The clomid brought me up to 1500 (with an e2 of 76, not good). I assumed T would drop down a bit, but after being off clomid for a month my T dropped to 450. Havent got the e2 results yet. What does that mean? Is some signaling off in my brain. I thought clomid was supposed to kind of jump start natural production, but apparently without the clomid I am not producing it. Any feedback?

  2. #2
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    yeah your producing it, just not much. I produce in the 400's while off cycle and I can still maintain a pretty lean 200'lbs if I try. I wouldn't worry with it myself, not much you can do unless you want to take a drug for the rest of your life or trt.

  3. #3
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Your T and E2 will take a while to settle down. Check again in 4-6wks.

  4. #4
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks AD. So my natural production is still there I just need to wait for things to settle? Does that mean T will maybe get higher on its own, or is it going to keep sinking? Thanks

  5. #5
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJS19 View Post
    Thanks AD. So my natural production is still there I just need to wait for things to settle? Does that mean T will maybe get higher on its own, or is it going to keep sinking? Thanks
    It's hard to say whether it will go up or down. But 1 reading is never enough. If there was a recent cycle or meds (clomid) then all the more you need to give it some time to stabilise.

  6. #6
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Ok thanks AD, i will wait for more bloodwork before I do anything.

    Also , is it strange that only 10mg of epistane for 10 days could sink me to 300s? My endo said he doesnt think that was the reason, he said underlying depression was sinking it. Is it possible for that dose in that time frame to do that?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJS19 View Post
    Ok thanks AD, i will wait for more bloodwork before I do anything.

    Also , is it strange that only 10mg of epistane for 10 days could sink me to 300s? My endo said he doesnt think that was the reason, he said underlying depression was sinking it. Is it possible for that dose in that time frame to do that?
    Everyone is different and may react differently to the same stimulus. Any idea what was your T before starting the epistane?

  8. #8
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    I wish I knew. I can say though I don't believe it was high, judging by how I felt before. I used a superdrol clone pro hormone a little over a year ago and I think that did a number on my body. I took it without much knowledge of what it was, didnt use it or get off it correctly either. Worst decision of my life. But I think I got out of that fine mentally, just left me with bloating in weird spots, probably from the excess estrogen. Face, sides, a little chest, lower abs, which has been impossible to get rid of. This epistane product, which also had an estrogen inhibtor really did me in mentally (unless it was a coincidence) but I've been emotionless ever since about 6 days into using the product back in april. Its been a long 4-5 months and Im hoping I can get my life back soon.

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