After one of my heavier cycles I contracted minor gyno under my left nipple. It became apparent a few weeks after the cycle. I went to doctors/specialist etc, got blood work done etc etc.

I was told it was minor grade 1 gyno, I was told to come back in a few months for a re check.

During That 3 months I did a short var cycle and funnily enough the gyno disappeared, Idk if it was the var or whether it naturally subsided.

Anyway the tissue has re formed under my left nipple I just realised today as in the morn my singlet rubbing on my nipples was slightly irritating lol. What would be the best course from now on.

Currently I am on 600mg of cypionate which I front loaded, in 2 weeks I will be switching to sus250, I am running var also.

Currently I have nolvadex and letro and next week I will have armidex.

Would running a small amount of letro until I get my adex in be the way to go. Eg E3D or use 10mg nolva ED till I get the adex.

If so how much letro, the letro is liquid.

Once I get the adex I plan on doing. 25ed

Does this sound like the right course.

I have never used anti e during my cycles but now it looks like it's something I need to be on top of.

Thanks in advance, you guys are all helpful.
