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  1. #1
    DecaKid is offline Banned
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    Half life and PCT timing question... I don't get this stuff

    Okay so people say to PCT like 3-4 weeks after your last shot of deca . Cool.

    Here's what I don't understand: Say hypothetically, you shot 2g's deca in one shot. Using the half life of 15 days and some simple math, you should still have like 100mg in you at the end of 64 days. This is over 9 weeks. If you were shooting 2g's a week, my calcs say that you should wait like 12-13 weeks to PCT (under 100mg in your system)

    ^^ Why is this incorrect?

  2. #2
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    you should run the test longer than the deca , because deca takes longer to clear..

    so eg. say your last deca pin was in week 14, you would run test up to week 16, then PCT in week 19.. both the deca and test should be cleared from your system by then..

  3. #3
    DecaKid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    you should run the test longer than the deca , because deca takes longer to clear..

    so eg. say your last deca pin was in week 14, you would run test up to week 16, then PCT in week 19.. both the deca and test should be cleared from your system by then..
    yeah yeah. i know about all this rif raf.

    I'm asking why you shouldn't wait like 13 weeks before PCT becasue that's what makes sense if you do some math with the half lives. Read the OP plz

  4. #4
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    so you want to inject 2g of deca in 1 shot?

    maybe you should stay away from this stuff if that's your train of thought

  5. #5
    DecaKid is offline Banned
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    here is the math i'm talking about:

    if you shoot 2g's of deca how long does it take to leave your system. This is assuming after 1 half life, you have 1000mg's left; after 2 half lives you have 500mg's left; and so on. Define "leaving" system as 75mg's left.

    so here's the equation: 2000*(1/2)^x=75 defn. x as number of half lives.
    1) (1/2)^x=.0375
    3)x=4.737 half lives or 10.1 weeks to almost clear your system.

    if you work in previous injections at 2g's per week it comes to 13 weeks, i think, to almost clear your system

    What am i missing here??!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by DecaKid
    here is the math i'm talking about:

    if you shoot 2g's of deca how long does it take to leave your system. This is assuming after 1 half life, you have 1000mg's left; after 2 half lives you have 500mg's left; and so on. Define "leaving" system as 75mg's left.

    so here's the equation: 2000*(1/2)^x=75 defn. x as number of half lives.
    1) (1/2)^x=.0375
    3)x=4.737 half lives or 10.1 weeks to almost clear your system.

    if you work in previous injections at 2g's per week it comes to 13 weeks, i think, to almost clear your system

    What am i missing here??!
    What you are missing is that 2g's of deca per week is much higher than the standard dose.

  7. #7
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    When you add 264 to the equation it nullifies the half life to the (10) exponential.

    264 months old + 2000 deca = too young / irresponsible.

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DecaKid View Post
    here is the math i'm talking about:

    if you shoot 2g's of deca how long does it take to leave your system. This is assuming after 1 half life, you have 1000mg's left; after 2 half lives you have 500mg's left; and so on. Define "leaving" system as 75mg's left.

    so here's the equation: 2000*(1/2)^x=75 defn. x as number of half lives.
    1) (1/2)^x=.0375
    3)x=4.737 half lives or 10.1 weeks to almost clear your system.

    if you work in previous injections at 2g's per week it comes to 13 weeks, i think, to almost clear your system

    What am i missing here??!

    Simply that deca is not test.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  9. #9
    DecaKid is offline Banned
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    So you guys would agree with me that somebody running 2g's deca should wait 3 months to PCT?

    *I am not shooting 2g's deca

  10. #10
    dlex's Avatar
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    heres the thing a half life only refers to the time it takes for half the substance to be used by your system eg 500mg test e in 7 days is 250 14 days 125 etc
    now exogenous hormones shut the body down as it sense its coming from an outside source and doesnt need its own anymore. once the exogenous is stoped the body realises i need to produce my endogenous test now as i no longer have an outside source providing it
    now pct is basically a stop gap to try reboot endogenous test by increasing lh and fsh so the body ups its own again
    will it always work? no not in 100% of cases do i personally use pct no but im on trt so it would be pissing against the wind
    will the body restart its own test? not always but it may pretty much the same as playing russian rulette you may get lucky you may not
    now your body recognises when it no longer has an exogenous source but if you think that the whole thing has to have left your system totally and be at 0mg youre not right my friend

  11. #11
    DecaKid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlex View Post
    heres the thing a half life only refers to the time it takes for half the substance to be used by your system eg 500mg test e in 7 days is 250 14 days 125 etc
    now exogenous hormones shut the body down as it sense its coming from an outside source and doesnt need its own anymore. once the exogenous is stoped the body realises i need to produce my endogenous test now as i no longer have an outside source providing it
    now pct is basically a stop gap to try reboot endogenous test by increasing lh and fsh so the body ups its own again
    will it always work? no not in 100% of cases do i personally use pct no but im on trt so it would be pissing against the wind
    will the body restart its own test? not always but it may pretty much the same as playing russian rulette you may get lucky you may not
    now your body recognises when it no longer has an exogenous source but if you think that the whole thing has to have left your system totally and be at 0mg youre not right my friend
    read again bro. I was taking the threshold at 75mg. not 0mg. it will take 13 weeks for the deca to reach 75mgs in your body by my calculations

    thx for the post tho. very well written and easy to follow, although not what i was looking for.

  12. #12
    dlex's Avatar
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    the 0mg was directed towards those who think yo cant have any left before you start to kick back in sorry should have said
    technically speaking you could wait 13 weeks but your body will recognise after about 2 weeks it needs to be restarted so after 13 weeks it more than knows and is trying to restart itself again dont forget the body knows exactly whats happening to it realistically a mg threshold is insignifficant its the time it takes the body to realise theres no more exogenous which shouldnt take more than a month now after that trying to restart itself.
    so yes you can wait 13 weeks if you want or 2 after test either way the body knows what it has to try do.

    that being said its all about your body so the only real way to know would be experimentation

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