I am currently on my first cycle of test-E. I was prepping for a test E/deca stack and I was only dosing at 200 mgs per week. Today was my last pin at 10 weeks. Because of poor business practices, I decided not to do business with my source anymore. To make a long story short he is the only local guy around and he has decided to triple his prices. The only other legit place that I know has been closed down for the last several weeks and no one knows when are going to open again. Now I need some advice on what to do next. Here are my options:

1. I can go ahead and start my PCT for four weeks from my test E cycle and wait I get another source.


2. I have a bottle of S-roid (superdrol clone), which I've been wanting to use for a while. I can go ahead and start that and just do a four week cycle.

If I run the cycle of S-roid, do I still need to run my Pct for four weeks from my test cycle and then start the s-roid cycle? Or can I just go ahead and start the s-roid next week without running a pct?

Also this is not my first time using pro hormones. I have run two cycles of CEL H drol in 2011, but this was my first time with AAS, that's why only ran it at 200 mgs for 10 weeks.

Let me know what you experienced users would do?