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Thread: Female, crossfitter, what steroids to take?

  1. #1
    ZaLkeN is offline Associate Member
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    Female, crossfitter, what steroids to take?

    Hi. I am a 23 year old female. I've been cross fitting for 4 years now.
    I'm not as strong and fast as I want to be. I recently hired a coach to write workouts specifically for me to target my weaknesses. I'd say my biggest weakness is my upper body strength.
    I'm looking to make strength gains as well as increase my anaerobic capacity. I know nothing about steroids and just would like some info and advice on what to take. I've never done steroids before.
    Someone told me that my muscles will get stronger and my ligaments won't be able to keep up. Is this true? I've also been told to wait until you plateau. I've had the same stats for about 2 years. I have slowly gotten stronger, but not by much. How do I know how long to wait before steroids are an option?
    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    cgi's Avatar
    cgi is offline Associate Member
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    Your ligaments will be able to hold up and your tendons and bones will get even stronger on certain compounds. As a female 10mg of Anavar a day should be fine for your kinda of thing. You should do some research before you start. Read the profiles of all the different steroids to start. Read what they do and how they behave and the side effects and benefits etc.

  3. #3
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    I advise men to not take steroids until they're at least 25. There's a lot of things going on with your endocrine system in your 20's. Taking steroids can affect your hormones in a negative manner. Even a little steroids will affect your normal cycle of hormones. Women produce about 1/7th the Testosterone as men so even a little Test in the system will affect you greatly. I'd say hold off for as long as you can and maximize your natural potential. This is my opinion, I defer to the experienced female members on this forum.

  4. #4
    DexterMorgan's Avatar
    DexterMorgan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I advise men to not take steroids until they're at least 25. There's a lot of things going on with your endocrine system in your 20's. Taking steroids can affect your hormones in a negative manner. Even a little steroids will affect your normal cycle of hormones. Women produce about 1/7th the Testosterone as men so even a little Test in the system will affect you greatly . I'd say hold off for as long as you can and maximize your natural potential. This is my opinion, I defer to the experienced female members on this forum.
    I don't think she needs to worry about testosterone in her system. for females It wont be a good idea taking test.

    Anavar would your best choice. 5mg/day is a good starting dose.
    the longer you wait the better. 23 is kind of young.

  5. #5
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm curious what your real goals are? Are you trying to be more competitive in CF? Are you wanting to get stronger? change body composition? You mention get stronger and increase anaerobic capacity, so I can understand that. But honestly, I think the issue is crossfit. I think you could reach those goals far easier without doing a general crossfit routine, or any crossfit. I dunno if I would turn to steroids to do something you weren't able to do before. It would be better to learn what types of training you would need to do to really strengthen yourself, what type of diet you would need to follow etc. When you do turn to steroids you will be much more effective at accomplishing your specific goals. Crossfit just isn't that suited for strength and anaerobic capacity. I would think powerlifting training in some form and GPP, or strongman type training would be superior. Not everything in crossfit is bad, but there will be a lot in it working against those specific goals.
    JackedJesse and Zodiac85 like this.

  6. #6
    jasc's Avatar
    jasc is offline Welcome to the Good Life
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    I'm with Scotch, I don't believe AAS use is the best route for you at the moment. If you feel your upper body is your weakness, why not incorporate some traditional strength training? While crossfit is good for certain things, varying your training style will give you superior results.

  7. #7
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    I'd recommend you stay away from aas. Maybe consider clenbuterol .
    NWIron likes this.

  8. #8
    ZaLkeN is offline Associate Member
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    My goals are I want to compete in CrossFit and I want to get stronger. I'm more concerned with athletic performance. Like I said, I have a trainer writing workouts for me that target my weaknesses. I have been following a diet plan that consists of 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fat. I am very into CrossFit and I really enjoy it so I don't want to switch training. I've never had someone program specifically for me before, so maybe ill see results quicker. I think I'm just going to wait a while. Thanks for your input

  9. #9
    ZaLkeN is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    I'm with Scotch, I don't believe AAS use is the best route for you at the moment. If you feel your upper body is your weakness, why not incorporate some traditional strength training? While crossfit is good for certain things, varying your training style will give you superior results.
    I have been incorporating some traditional strength training as well. I'm just being impatient and ready to see Results. After reading the responses, I think I'll try and wait a couple years to see where I'm at and reevaluate.

  10. #10
    nafnlaus is offline Banned
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    Give us an idea on how good you are to start with.

    5k run
    Best Snatch
    Best C&J
    Best deadlift
    How many muscle ups can you do?
    How many pushups at once
    How many pullups

  11. #11
    largerthannormal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AshopRep View Post
    I'd recommend you stay away from aas. Maybe consider clenbuterol.

  12. #12
    RMC42's Avatar
    RMC42 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    was thinkning that as well

  13. #13
    NWIron is offline Junior Member
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    If I had it my way girls would never take steroids . I can ALWAYS tell, even with low doses of var. Not a fan.

  14. #14
    ZaLkeN is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nafnlaus View Post
    Give us an idea on how good you are to start with.

    5k run
    Best Snatch
    Best C&J
    Best deadlift
    How many muscle ups can you do?
    How many pushups at once
    How many pullups
    5k run - no idea
    Snatch - 98lbs
    C+j - 125lbs
    Deadlift -235lbs
    Muscle ups - 0
    Push ups - maybe 20
    Pull ups - 14

  15. #15
    nafnlaus is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZaLkeN View Post
    5k run - no idea
    Snatch - 98lbs
    C+j - 125lbs
    Deadlift -235lbs
    Muscle ups - 0
    Push ups - maybe 20
    Pull ups - 14
    Are those strict pull ups? And your body weight is?

    you should really not be considering drugs at your stats, maybe when you are close to those numbers in kilos...
    spend the money you intended for drugs and go to a weightlifting coach, you have a long way to go in regards of technique.

  16. #16
    ZaLkeN is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nafnlaus View Post
    Are those strict pull ups? And your body weight is?

    you should really not be considering drugs at your stats, maybe when you are close to those numbers in kilos...
    spend the money you intended for drugs and go to a weightlifting coach, you have a long way to go in regards of technique.
    Not strict, kipping. I weigh 140lb. And I said I have been getting personalized training for the first time these past 2 months. Have been seeing an improvement. After seeing everyone's input, I'm going to wait a couple years. Work on my flexibility to fix my technique.

  17. #17
    jesco is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nafnlaus View Post
    Are those strict pull ups? And your body weight is?

    you should really not be considering ****s at your stats, maybe when you are close to those numbers in kilos...
    spend the money you intended for ****s and go to a weightlifting coach, you have a long way to go in regards of technique.
    Dude, are you serious? If a 140lb woman had a 98kg snatch and a 125kg c&j she would be competing in the olympics... Agree with the technique comment however.

  18. #18
    run_n_fool is offline Associate Member
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    I am as impatient as the next person and I've cycled so I can't really talk, but I can tell you that if at 23 I knew what I know now about nutrition as it relates to training, I'd have carried a good 20# more of muscle naturally. You're doing the training. Focus on dialing in the nutrition for a few more years. Then decide about AAS.

    Just my $.02

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