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Thread: 1st test cycle

  1. #1
    pacman187 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    1st test cycle

    I am 28 years old 5'11'' 180 lbs and i have low testosterone so my dr. just prescribed me testosterone enanthate 200 mg every week (told me to do two injections a week of 100 mg so .5ML) He also prescribed me 50 mg of Clomid twice a week.

    I work out 5 days a week and am in good shape, pretty ripped.

    Some of the guys at the gym said i should be taking Exemestane (25mg x 30ml) (full droppler or 1/2 droppler) every night before bed.

    What are you suggestions ?

    Doctor also said he might put me on hcg but not unitl i go back to see him in 6 weeks.

    Is there anything else i should be taking ? i don't want to get bloated and fat and lose my abs

    *** I know this is not a typical cycle as i am not taking as much test as others do but at the same time i am trying to get the benefits out of using the test for gains in the gym. I still want to be ripped tho and was concerned over estrogen levels. There is no time frame for me to be on this testosterone replacement therapy so i don't need any PCT as i will probably be on this for a long time.

    What is the clomid suppose to do anyways ?

    What does the Exemestane do ?

    whats the difference between the two

    I appreciate any help that you can give me especially if i should take the exemestane or not. thanks

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is online now AR-Hall of Famer
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    Mar 2008
    You only need one thead. Give us time to respond and just bump your old thread to the top if your not getting a response
    Red Bastard likes this.

  3. #3
    pacman187 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    can someone please respond to my first post ?

    The bloodwork that i got done were from 3 months ago and that is when i was on 200 mg of test every 2 weeks. since i was still feeling tired and was still not all there sexually by dr now prescribed me 200 mg of test every week instead of every 2 weeks. i don't have any blood work since i just started doing 200 mg every week.

    Here are my test results from 7/23/13 and i go back in this week to test again:

    Total Test- 599
    Test Free- 19
    prolactin- 16
    Glucose- 83
    sodium- 141
    potassium- 4.2
    chloride- 106
    co2- 28
    bun- 26
    creatinne- 1.1
    total protein- 6.3
    albumin- 4.1
    bilirubin total- 1.1
    alk phosphatase- 50
    sgot- 27
    sgpt- 27
    wbc- 6.4
    rbc- 5.49
    hemoglobin- 16.1
    hct- 48.6
    mcv- 88.5
    mch- 29.3
    mchc- 32.2
    rdw- 13.8
    platelet count- 182
    absolute lymph-2.4
    absolute mono-.5
    absolute neut-3.5
    absolute eos-.1
    absolute baso-0.0
    psa-screening- .30

    Are any of these Estrogen ?

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