First a little background,

I'm 24 years old and this will be my second cycle (first cycle i was a dumb kid and didn't plan).

11% BF - best overall shape I have ever been in
Height - 6"
Weight - 171

Diet: Not going to break it all down, you guys see these all day. Oatmeal, skinless chkn breast, fruit, Greek yogurt, vegetables, whole grain pastas/bread, egg whites.

I have a different goal than the majority of people on this site and have a couple questions regarding it. Obviously you can see I'm pretty "light" there is a reason behind that.

Because of my job and the job I am trying to get my cardio/strength/endurance has to be through the roof. I can't afford to have "unfunctional muscle" or "dead weight".

My goal: to gain 10lbs of super lean muscle while still being able to increase cardio while on cycle.

So as you can see my goal is a little different compared to others. I need to increase my cardio and not hinder it at all while on cycle while hopefully putting on 10-15lbs.

My workouts will consist of:
Running (1-6miles at a time),
Biking to and from work(10 miles round trip, 3x/wk), Swimming (working hard at increasing distance, 1-2 hours 5x/wk)
Strength (5x/wk) (sometimes crossfit)

I understand some side effects of Test are increased BP, so I plan on keeping it at a low dose.

This is what I'm thinking so far:

Week 1-12 Test Cyp 250MG/WK (frontloading week 1)
Week 1-14 Arimidex .25mg/ED

Week 16-20 Clomid 75/50/50/50
Week 16-20 Nolva 40/20/20/20

1. I am keeping a low dose to hopefully reduce sides while still giving me an obvious benefit and being able to still increase cardio, is this effective?

2. Since I am on such a low dose would I need Arimidex and such an in depth PCT?

3. Are my goals realistic (being able to increase cardio while still beif able to put on 10lbs)?

The next couple questions are about my source (won't name the place due to rules)

I'm going with HulkLabs products but the site I'm using not sure if it's real or not but it has great reviews from ******.

The site sells things in weird quantities,

Arimidex - 1MG/ML, 30 ML bottle (how would I do only .25mg ed?

Clomid - 50MG/pill, 25/bottle (again for PCT I would be using 75MG ED for first week so how would I do that?

Nolva - same as Clomid, same question on how I would only do 40/20/20/20 if the pills are in 50mg.

If someone would like to PM me about my source I would greatly appreciate it. So I can get the kinks worked out.

If I think of anything else ill post it but this is already pretty in depth I believe lol.
