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  1. #1
    bigspin's Avatar
    bigspin is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2013

    taking things to the next level

    i would like to step things up for 2014.
    i can find alot of info on members first few cycles but struggling to find cycles and results from some of the more experienced members.

    There are many different ways i can map out the year in terms of cycling.
    The only real limit i have is not being able to keep anything that has to be refrigerated ie. HGH, Peptides, Liquid stana ect.

    im expecting to get flamed, but is there anyone who runs test prop for long periods of time while cycling on and off Tren Ace? for example 6 weeks on 4 off 6 on 4 off ect?

    my stats;
    97kg 13% bf (tested with bf calipers)
    been training since i was 14 years old, combo of Bodybuilding and Kickboxing.

    4 Cycles since 21.
    Cycle 1: 300mg week test e, 200mg week Boldernone, dianabol 30mg daily (first 3 weeks), run for 15 weeks

    Cycle 2: 750mg Sus a week for 12weeks

    Cycle 3: 400mg prop a week, 40mg a day Anavar for 8 weeks

    roughly two year break from AAS

    Cycle 4: 250mg sus and 250mg test e a week for 12 weeks

    all pct was hcg , nolvas and clomid

    any advice or links to threads of interest would be appreciated.
    i would really like to hear from someone who has run tren many times.

  2. #2
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    What you are asking is blasting and cruising.

    you will increase dramticly your chance of getting into TRT if you do so.

    Just be aware that it is a lifetime.commitement if you do that. and that may not be a wise descision concerning health...
    I do not advise it...

    however, cruising can be done at 200mg test-e/week(youll probably have to do that for the rest of your life), with a small dose of arimidex if needed or some DIM/resveratrol(BW will tell you what you need).
    And you want blast each 6 weeks with prop by adding it to your TRT dose.

    But, you are still young and you may not want to be married with a needle for all your life...
    However, don't be scared of TRT its a reallity that most men will have to deal with.
    Just try to avoid it as long as you can.

    Good luck

  3. #3
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    Step it up!

  4. #4
    bigspin's Avatar
    bigspin is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    What you are asking is blasting and cruising.

    you will increase dramticly your chance of getting into TRT if you do so.

    Just be aware that it is a lifetime.commitement if you do that. and that may not be a wise descision concerning health...
    I do not advise it...

    however, cruising can be done at 200mg test-e/week(youll probably have to do that for the rest of your life), with a small dose of arimidex if needed or some DIM/resveratrol(BW will tell you what you need).
    And you want blast each 6 weeks with prop by adding it to your TRT dose.

    But, you are still young and you may not want to be married with a needle for all your life...
    However, don't be scared of TRT its a reallity that most men will have to deal with.
    Just try to avoid it as long as you can.

    Good luck
    so in your opinion after 12 months of this style of cycling you dont think it is very likely to bring back natural hormone levels?

  5. #5
    Psaletta's Avatar
    Psaletta is offline Member
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    There is always a chance that you can recover just fine.... And there is a chance ya won't. The longer your suppressed the greater the chance you won't come back from it.

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