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Thread: why do u have to ruN CABER or PRAMI on DECA

  1. #1
    JungleSlut's Avatar
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    why do u have to ruN CABER or PRAMI on DECA

    Ive finnaly researched HCG and how to use it thanks to austinite. but someone suggested running caber.or prami while on deca but i cant find the info anywhere of why. also what AI should i run while on deca. t400 and anadrol

  2. #2
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    for prolactin control..

    Arimidex or Aromasin

  3. #3
    JungleSlut's Avatar
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    ok. just read.up on prolactin. high levels is bad. good. they say prami also helps induce natural gh levels. so i will be choosig that.

    im.a month into my.cycle already and should of done more research before......i guess better late than never? but **** i wish i would of put more thought i to this. is it too late to start arimadex and prami?

  4. #4
    kronik420's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JungleSlut View Post
    ok. just read.up on prolactin. high levels is bad. good. they say prami also helps induce natural gh levels. so i will be choosig that.

    im.a month into my.cycle already and should of done more research before......i guess better late than never? but **** i wish i would of put more thought i to this. is it too late to start arimadex and prami?
    start it ASAP, careful with prami, start off with a low dose and work your way up, say .25mg/week and up it .25mg every week until you get to 1mg..

    start arimidex .25mg EOD

    educate before you medicate
    Igifuno likes this.

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    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Igifuno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    start it ASAP, careful with prami, start off with a low dose and work your way up, say .25mg/week and up it .25mg every week until you get to 1mg..

    start arimidex .25mg EOD

    educate before you medicate
    ^^^ this.

    first time I started prami, I started with a .25 dose and got extremely sick the next morning. So much so that it pretty much ruined my day and it took me over 3 months to get the balls to do it again. As kron said, I started with a VERY low dose and worked my way up - I'm almost at .5 (should be there Tuesday).

    I've had zero sides doing it this way, and can already see and feel the benefits. I've converted from prami hater to prami enthusiest

    Good luck

  7. #7
    JungleSlut's Avatar
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    jus do rew change here will reply in full in an hour. but thank u in advance.for your help and wisdom.boys

  8. #8
    FONZY007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno
    ^^^ this. first time I started prami, I started with a .25 dose and got extremely sick the next morning. So much so that it pretty much ruined my day and it took me over 3 months to get the balls to do it again. As kron said, I started with a VERY low dose and worked my way up - I'm almost at .5 (should be there Tuesday). I've had zero sides doing it this way, and can already see and feel the benefits. I've converted from prami hater to prami enthusiest Good luck
    So are you using .10mg a day or EOD?

  9. #9
    JungleSlut's Avatar
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    ive got arimadex and hcg coming tomm. my.old lady is driving 2 hours to deliver it to me. but both my sources can not find prami or caber. do i have any other options?

  10. #10
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  11. #11
    dixieflatline is offline Junior Member
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    Hey man, I'm not very experienced but I strongly recommend starting prami, at least the first time you try it, even lower than .25mg. I took around .1 mg and tripped balls, no joke. Also got nosebleeds all night.

  12. #12
    JungleSlut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Read this
    had to delete the url.cause wont blah blah blah.

    but i read it in full. and WOW. starting to realize just how heavy juice is. ive learned more from yall, then i have from my boys who been juicing for years. thanks for all the help and advice.gonna reread all these articles till my head fully wrapped around it

    Quote Originally Posted by Machdiesel View Post
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    wicked thanks bro

  13. #13
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dixieflatline
    Hey man, I'm not very experienced but I strongly recommend starting prami, at least the first time you try it, even lower than .25mg. I took around .1 mg and tripped balls, no joke. Also got nosebleeds all night.
    Pramipexole is a fairly strong dopamine agonist. Some tolerate it well, others have moderate to strong side effects even at low doses. I tried the minimally effective dose; I split doses between AM and PM; even tried dosing right before bed. No matter what I did, I couldn't manage the side effects and experienced just about every moderate side effect possible!

    - insomnia
    - somnolence
    - nose bleeds
    - nausea
    - dizziness
    - constipation
    - xerostomia
    - head aches
    - general malaise
    - nasal congestion
    - frequent urination
    - lucid dreams
    - hypotension

    OP, you will get some good advice here, but before you start dosing anything further, please read and understand the effects AND side effects of these drugs. You've already admitted you didn't start right so lets correct that bad behavior and invest a little more time reading. I'm not asking you to stop what you're doing, rather, respect your body and the drugs you are putting into it. Dopamine and hormone manipulation shouldn't be a recreational hobby.

    Please educate yourself further and be safe!!!!

  14. #14
    dixieflatline is offline Junior Member
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    Another good most musceink. I hallucinated off .1 mg of prami far more than I ever did on any shroom trip. Like REAL hallucinations off of a tiny dose. Just be careful.

  15. #15
    JungleSlut's Avatar
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    Im with you 100% on that. Wil definately step my knowledge game up ten fold.

  16. #16
    JungleSlut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Read this
    had to delete the url.cause wont blah blah blah.

    but i read it in full. and WOW. starting to realize just how heavy juice is. ive learned more from yall, then i have from my boys who been juicing for years. thanks for all the help and advice.gonna reread all these articles till my head fully wrapped around it

    Quote Originally Posted by Machdiesel View Post
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    wicked thanks bro

  17. #17
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dixieflatline
    Another good most musceink. I hallucinated off .1 mg of prami far more than I ever did on any shroom trip. Like REAL hallucinations off of a tiny dose. Just be careful.
    Yes sir. It can have strong effects. Some people tolerate it, others do not. I'm pretty sure the vivid dreams I had after my night time dose were induced by the increased dopamine release - in between bouts of insomnia.

  18. #18
    Machdiesel's Avatar
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    Will caber have less sides?

  19. #19
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Prami works very well for me. Just do as stated above..start low and work dosage up. You may find it unnecessary to even go over.5mg daily. I usually do.

  20. #20
    JungleSlut's Avatar
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    i have been taking .25 mg of armiadex eod. and after tracking down antibacteral water hcg .and using austinites manual i got it all.mixed and have been following instructions closely.
    one question i have is....can i hcg mixed.with my.test and deca ?

    and also i have one.month i have.clomid and.nolvadex .on the way for pct. what might my.doses be for that and also do.i continues to use arimadex after my last injection?

    (cycle was deca. t400, and anadrol )

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