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  1. #1
    Badgers's Avatar
    Badgers is offline Junior Member
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    Third cycle, advice greatly appreciated!

    This is going to be my 3rd cycle. My previous two cycles have been 500 and 600 mg Test E only. With a Nolva PCT. I have not had any bloodwork done after these, but my libido have bounced back both times and a few months after each cycle i feel more or less normal.

    But his time i will get bloodwork done before, during and after.

    Age 33 yrs
    91 KG
    10-12% BF
    182 cm Height

    I have been training by the West Side principles for about 1 year, previous years have been typical bodybuilding slipt style training. For this cycle i have a hypotropy program focusing on the mainlifts.

    Deadlift 175 kg
    Benchpress 122,5 kg
    Squat 165 kg
    (I had a operation go bad 1,5 years back that left me in bed for 5 months and are now back to my pre op PRs)

    This is how i have planed out my cycle:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	CYCLE.jpg 
Views:	39481 
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ID:	145863

    I´m debating if i should swap the d-bol with t-bol, the reason is that i have rather thin hair.

    Feedback will be greatly appritiated!

  2. #2
    Badgers's Avatar
    Badgers is offline Junior Member
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    Any thoughts about the d-bol vs t-bol regarding hairless?
    Was also wondering about running 100mg clomid for the first week is a tad bit overkill. Maybe something like 75/50/50/50 would be better.

    Aigain, any thoughts on this is much appreciated, if you feel i have some missing information please don't hesitate to ask.

  3. #3
    KingJ243 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2013
    If you know those dosages work best for you then go for it bro. I see nothing wrong with that cycle. No idea on the hair loss thing. That's one of those side effects that is going to effect everyone differently.

  4. #4
    Badgers's Avatar
    Badgers is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the reply, ill try the t-bol then. Really exited about trying a oral!
    I read that a 10 week cycle would be just as good as a 12 week one, any thoughts on that?

    My two last cycles have been 12 weeks, but the gains flattened out week 9 isn both times so it seems rather logic if you ask me.

  5. #5
    emayarsh is offline New Member
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    my next cycle will be just 10 weeks, you probably wont see any massive gains after that.. the extra 2 weeks i think just help you taper off if your using another compound like deca .. some people believe tho, the longer your on cycle, the easier it is to keep your gains when you come off..

  6. #6
    Badgers's Avatar
    Badgers is offline Junior Member
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    Reading up on Ronnie Rowlands post here kinda makes you think, like reconsidering the 12 week (old school?) Approach of things.
    I´m now debating to think about a 8Wload/2Wd-load/8Wload/2Wd-load/8Wload/PCT and then do blood work to make sure you bounce back. I would use a long ester of test E so i´ll ditch the bridging between and keep test E as a base in all 3. Then up the ante with t-bol and d-bol for the first 4 weeks of each cycle, myby throw some deca in there on one of them.

    The time invested in training and diet since my last cycle in 2010 compared to my cycle in 2013, have really yielded in results. In short i have invested in coaches for each, and also gone through some education on both. I really feel i´m in a place with training and diet that i can pretty much adjust as i go and have good results, ending up with 86 kg@ 7% BF this summer. Not amazing in any sense, but i reach my planned goal through understanding how i react to my diet and training.

    Anyway, does the above sound dumb? I will of course do a proper PCT and run and AI through it all with a HCG protocol in the load periods. Diet will be matched to load/deload and so on.

  7. #7
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I use my clomid 50/50/25/25 with nolva 40/40/20/20

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